Wednesday 12 October 2011

Star Wars Blog!!!

Title says it all, take a look at it please:


Tuesday 24 May 2011

Hero Factory 3.0 on Amazon UK!!!

I was on Amazon UK having a look for 2010 sets that I missed out on and found the new sets on there. I admit I got a bit over excited and was disappointed when I discovered it was a pre-order for July 1st but I does provide some good images that I've bot seen before like the one above. Please share your thoughts,

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Click on the thumbnail to make the image larger

Headgear Designs

Just a Project I've Been working on :P


Thursday 7 April 2011

Where is everyone?

Everyone dropped the blog? okay. Well since that happened I suppose the toa team was a doomed failure, thanks for your attempts those interested. Just it wasnt good enough.

Saturday 19 March 2011

Saturday 5 March 2011

Operation 117: Standoff

Mission: Defeat Heirde and his Soldiers at Mortalitas Bridge and find a lead on General Khaotic and his master Sokore.
Location: South of Veilik's Stronghold
Time: 24:15:00
Squad: Team Leader Pyros, Shayla, Toa Mazeka and General Brutaka.

Landinng on the South-West of Veilik's Stronghold, the Team prepared for their Mission to capture Heirde and further move up to Veilik's Stronghold and regroup with Vakor's Platoon. Equipping themselves with Protosteel Armor and Weapons, they were mission-ready. It wasn't the right word to say that they were just a Squad because and entire battalion consisting of O.O.M.N Soldiers and natives, the Glatorian and strangely brave Agori and Matoran Warriors. Mazeka took a look at the Matoran and saw the Matoran he once was...

"What's up Mazeka!" Shayla asked

"I don't know, I guess It's just I know how they feel, I mean I was reckless as a Matoran, I always took the risks I knew were only for Toa, or heroes like Axonn," said Mazeka

"uh hmm." groaned Brutaka

"And Brutaka of course." exclaimed Mazeka

"Thank you, I may have a mind-link with Makuta essence but I'd like to think that after all I've been through I can be considered a hero at least a Soldier!" muttered Brutaka

"Well you get another chance here Brutaka!" shouted Pyros

As their Vehicles rode away, Pyros winked at the Pilot on the Aircraft, the Pilot nodded, the plan was underway. The Jets slashed past the Air whilst Special-Operation Tanks moved through the Mud and Dirt leaving behind tracks. Snipers were positioned all around the Trees and bushes around the forest. After battling Sokore since the Toa Hagah Rebellion, he knew his enemy as well as he knew him meaning he knew Sokore would use anything to his advantage and a trail is a very good thing to get you found and killed.

They approached the DZ when Pyros called in the Airstrike and after a few seconds the future battlefield was already in ruins. There was ensuing chaos butas the entrances opened Heirde gathered his Soldiers who grabbed their weapons ready to kill. As the convoys neared closer and closer, Pyros called in Tank Fire as Brutaka jumped from his Vehicle and sent a signal to his Soldiers, the battle was commencing!

Brutaka unleashed his mighty Dual Sword which delivered chills to the spines of his enemies. As they shivered in cold fear they slowly began to attack but it wasn't even a fight as Brutaka just blocked their blows and crushed them with his bare hands. Mazeka then threw his Ice Picks that used to belong to Toa Hordika Nuju at the Soldiers and at the slightest impact, froze them. Brutaka then kicked them leaving them shattered particles of Ice. Pyros and Shayla with a couple of the natives quickly ran out blasting with all their firepower knocking out many of the Hostiles. Pyros located Heirde on the battlefield and quickly parried away his foes and smiled realising he was going to get to stab Heirde repeatedly and until his nasty face full of bruises vanquished, at the thought of killing him Pyros held his Plasma Sword tightly and literally barged through an entire Army of Dark Warriors until reaching Heirde.

"It's over Heirde you are going to have a pitiful death and trust me for old times sake I'll make it painful and slow!" grunted Pyros

"Fool, you actually believe you can win, oh look an angry clown with balloon swords, bring it on!"

Swords clashed, sparks flew off dissipating in the air, blows delivered and recieved, cuts and bruises in the Armor. It was a standoff. Behind an Army raced to the gates and O.O.M.N Helmets thrown into the sky. Brutaka lumbered to the Army, held his Gauntlet Gatling Turret and fired decimating and disentrigating enemy soldiers leaving behind trays of ash evaporating in the earth. Brutaka chuckled as he sliced them in half. Meanwhile Pyros and Heirde were still at a standoff. Evwntually Pyros gained the upper hand and was about to silence Heirde,however, he was jolted from behind.

"Mercenary you always did have a thing for entrances!" applauded Heirde

"Doesen't matter today Heirde, you have to get out of her now, somebody's coming after you and with an Army!" replied Mercenary

"Who him?(pointing to Vakor)!" commented Heirde

Mercenary replied with a no, but unfortunatly Vakor fired a shot from his rifle going straight through Heirde's brain killing him. Vakor glanced to Krakua and Cystisu and they engaged fire ambushing the many Dark Soldiers. Next was Mercenary, Brutaka and Mazeka and Shayla arrived with support and Pyros got back up. Standing in the face of fear Mercenary's only impulse was ATTACK...

Mercenary performed a beautifal roundhouse sending Mazeka hurling backwards. Reloading he then fired at Shayla's face which she blocked with a powerful Nova Blast. She gasped percieving that Mercenary remained completly unharmed all that came out was steam. Mercenary annoyed blasted her with repeated shots knocking her unconscious. Pyros moved in to attack but Mercenary broke his wrist and as Vakor fired used Pyros as a hostage knocking him unconscious. Vakor and Cystisus attacked multiple times but Mercenary just grinned and beat them and punched them until they finally went down. Krakua and Brutaka attacked and broke Mercenary's defence. Krakua unleashed his powerful Sonic Doom manouvere distracting Mercenary and Brutaka gathered all his power tumbling Mercenary down into the dirt.

"You did well but me and Krakua are veterans don't expect to beat us at any time, I managed to defeat the Toa Nuva and 6 Voya Nui Matoran all at once with one swipe of my Sword!" boasted Brutaka

"You may have won this time but my Master is more powerful than any of you, once he's reached his full power, his domination of the universe will be inevitable!" answered Mercenary

With that conversation over, Mercenary teleported himself away. Since the age of the Toa Nuva technology had greatly improved. Now that two battles were over only one more plan has to come into place and the location of Khaotic would be revealed and with his capture the location of Sokore can also be found. Helryx worked with all of her time to work out the plan. Sentox + Heirde to Veilik may be the chance to find out Khaotic which would ultimatly give the location of Sokore, but with the appearance of Mercenary, Helryx was left to wonder. How many people could there be until we get Sokore? These words filled her head for days but she realized the Operation would give the answer...

Toa group photo!

Hello everyone, this is the photo of my Toa group, unfortunately the other two you will see have just been updated. New pictures will be added soon.

Toa Noraz of shadows.

This is my toa of shadows, Noraz. biographies are to follow soon.

My toa team. Toa's 2/4 Setrov and Noraz

This is the first of my new toa for everyone, next post will be Noraz of shadow. This is Toa setrov of iron.

Friday 4 March 2011

Operation 117

Mission: Take Enemy Northern Base and interoggate Captain Veilik.
Location: Northern Regions of Spherus Magna
Time: 18:11:49 Friday 4th March
Squad: Cystisus, Vakor, Krakua and Platoon of O.O.M.N Soldiers.

Without Weapons, unarmed on the highway to hell, that's what happened on a grave, treachorous day. Vakor and Cystisus were leading a Platoon of O.O.M.N Soldiers through the battlefield horizon, but they were ambushed by Sentox and his Tribal Militia with their Water Spears and Long-Ranged Scoped Rifle. They were a Tribe of domestic and savage hunters but their technology was surprisingly advanced. These skills and the intellect of their Chieftain attracted the attention of Sokore who had hired them as hunters to stop the Toa Operation and now it seemed like they would. Hiding and taking cover behind the Terrain firing their weapons wounding many soldiers in the process. Vakor ran to his Double Bladed Magnetism Sword reaching out with his hand where he was pushed by two Hunters. Cystisus witnessed this and ran to his position. Two more hunters leaped out and tried to kill him, however, he held his arm and kicked one of the Hunter's vulnerable Armor and kneed him in the face. The other Soldier lunged but Cystisus blocked this attack and used his opponent's power against him. While the Hunter was in Mid-Air he disarmed him and took care of the other one. Grabbing the enemy's Rifle he used it which killed many of the Hunters. Looking back at Vakor he noticed five Hunters crawling on the floor, Vakor came up to them and knocked them down executing them with a single, powerful blast from his Modified Reflex Sniper.

"Nice, not being held back by the code has clearly worked out for us, these infidels don't deserve to live!" exclaimed Cystisus

"Maybe, but remember we are to stay our blade from an innocent we can't always disrespect our Toa Code, we aren't killers but there deaths are neccessary!" shouted Vakor

"Allright, our Soldiers are still being attacked from the Eastern Mountains, they need support, those Tribal Soldiers know the terrain better than us but their fighting style isn't as good and refined as ours." replied Krakua

With nods, they lumbered back to the trees as cover, blasts and shots raged past the heroes with a SWOOSH! Vakor nodded to his fellow Toa and they knew what he was thinking, a powerful, combined elemental power. Unleashing a raucous sound as they released their weapons, they fired all the energy creating an EmP Blast which was helped by Carbon Dioxide released from the trees scattering the hostiles to pieces and sending the rest scraping at their feet to get away. Sentox screamed at the top of his voice petrified of dying at the hands of Toa. Despite his 'scared out of his life' expression he braced up, collected two Spears ready for a battle. He used a unique rotation technique to hit Cystisus at the back of his Kanohi Miru Nuva. Vakor anticipated his next move and swung his weapon at the tip of Sentox's hands braking his control over the weapons.

"No I will not fall!" screamed Sentox

"What ever, you're not the one we need, so just get out of here. Go tell your Master that we will not lose this War, we have the determination and the firepower whereas he has cowards like you at his side. So you can either carry that message and get killed the next time we meet or you can get out of here, never bother us again and live to see the Sun rise again!" demanded Krakua

"We might need him for...!" reminded Vakor

"...fine, just please let me live, I was only hired to do my job." pleaded Sentox

"Just get out of here slimy piece of...!" groaned Cystisus

"Allright, Enought, we have to continue how many of us are left,"

Counting the Soldiers, none of them had perished but five were wounded and 10 were seriously hurt. Glancing, Vakor remembered that Megazarak was leading a Squad with Axonn to destroy the Towers securing Veilik's Stronghold whilst Pyros and Shayla were leading an entire Battalion alongside Brutaka and Toa Mazeka at Mortalitas Bridge against Heirde and his Shadow Toa. They could regroup with Pyros's and Shayla and help them overcome Heirde's Army and then they could execute a distraction to stop attention from reaching Megazarak's Squad and then they could lead a massive Siege against Veilik's Stronghold and unleash a Bomber Squad to weaken the defences and launch the new M1 Tanks to destroy enemy forces and enemy aircraft and vehicles.
Agreeing to this strategy they contacted Helryx to notify the others of the new plan. Plan Operation 117 is now in motion...

Thursday 3 March 2011

Toa Phasma + Agori Hunters

Toa Phasma:

Leader: Toa Vakor

Deputy: Toa Pyros

Medic: Shayla

Weapons Specialist: Megazarak

Scout: Cystisus

Support: Mentis


Nevka-Fire Agori

Aquail-Water Agori

Getry-Jungle Agori

BTW: Mentis has been created but I need time to revamp her.

Half a Toa Team

Just something I've been working on, but I ran out of gray parts so I've been stalled til' I can see my friend. I'm thinking the other three members will be a toa of magnetism, lighting and earth. But I don't really know right now :P
Left to Right: Toa Caru (Fire), Toa Mikad (Air), Toa Velixity (Ice)

(Click on the Thumbnail to Make the Image Larger)


Wednesday 2 March 2011

Coming along well, new updates.

Everyone the prototypes seem to have had a lovely kick off on the site, all pictures for my mocs will be posted as soon as possible. Comment telling me your progress and tell me if any details are going to be added to mocs. There is as of now a new addition. over 10 toa will be in this team, and seeing how i have four as of now i dont see why it wouldnt need more. I am anxious to put all of these toa together, send me pictures of mocs at my email I will be making a large group photo when all is said and done.

Sunday 27 February 2011

Water Toa Prototype for MasterHakua

 Hope you like it :)
Sorry about the missing armour but for some reason I can't find any blue armour pieces at the moment. When I find some I'll post more pics if you want me to.

Saturday 26 February 2011

Bionicle MoC: Fire Creation: Axuro

Axuro was a Toa protection regions throughout the Matoran Universe. However he was a very secretive Toa and did not have a Toa Team. Unusually different from his Fire Toa brethren, he was a stealty Toa. After a while he became known for his reputation and his captures were famous. He usually donned different Helmets, sometimes not even Kanohi Masks to become 'incognito'. His targets didn't know what hit them before he striked and they woke up in a Pit. However, some who knew they were corrupt and would be targets hired Dark Hunters to protect them. Knowing this he changed his old ways and worked as a team. Then he enjoyed working in a team and lead them...

N.O.T.E: Axuro and my other M.O.C Velox are both for MasterHakua's Toa Team. Also MasterHakua if you are intrested in this Fire MoC for your team then I would change his helmet, not neccessary but I think a Red Kanohi would fit better than Malum's Glatorian Helmet e.g. Vakama Metru's Helmet.


Velox: Biography

Velox is a Toa of Magnetism like Vakor who was in his previous Toa Team before Vakor was chosen to join the Toa Hagah. It was a team of 3 consisting of Vakor, himself and a Toa of Lightning called Levitas. They shared many missions together fighting of beserk Rahi and out-of-control races like the Vortixx. On one mission they were sent to subdue and capture Roodaka by a Turaga. Managing to reach Roodaka unnoticed, Velox went too quickly and was seen by Roodaka who called to Dark Hunters which attacked and tranquilized Levitas and Vakor from behind and nearly got Velox but Velox's name meant quick and he used his velocity to run past his opponents and used their own Tranquilazer Guns on them saving his team. After that Vakor adopted his Armor in his latest Mission so he could run past Guards without effort. After a while he and Levitas kept on doing Missions together until he dissappeared without a trace...

N.O.T.E: This is Vakor's Latest Revamp because he took this Armor so he could go faster and become more agile in Missions.

Friday 25 February 2011

Toa Setrov of Iron, Narava Biographies.

Toa setrov is a veteran hero of many wars and as such has mastered his control of iron, with this ability almost no enemy can stop him, however the new species the toa team has encountered does not utilize iron or metals as an armor. As a veteran he has experienced near death, as a result he has lost an arm and it has been replaced with an advanced replacement arm that has a nova blaster built on. He has lost an eye and he replaced his lost eye with an analyzer that helps him scan an area for enemies, he is rather small and agile and can take out his enemies from a distance by chanelling his control through the ground and up under the enemy to tie them to the ground in iron shackles. Being part of the team is a great honor to him although he has been part of 3 other toa teams, he is a very useful ally to the Toa Narava. (picture coming soon.)

The End of my 'Mocapalooza' for Today

My third and final MOC for today, Zyron. Once a top-scientist for a incredibly powerful race, Zyron became corrupted when an experiment went wrong. By accidentally absorbing tons of radiation, Zyron's mind became corrupted due to a loss of his race's instinctive need to do good. While he was attempting to repair himself to stop the corruption of his mind, one of his fellows reported his corruption. The officials exiled him from his home world, and instead of trying to repair himself. He let the corruption take over. His mind became fogged with rage and a need for revenge. He developed a super-weapon and single-handedly destroyed his home world. He began to train as a warrior and when the Brotherhood found him on a distant world, he joined them. The Brotherhood mutated him, but he lost his eyes in the process, instead he now sees through a implant in his mask. He has absorbed all the Nuva mask powers, Super Strength, Levitation, X-Ray Vision, Super Speed, Shielding and the ability to Breathe Underwater. His current Whereabouts, are Unknown.
(Click the Thumbnail to make the image larger)

Comments are welcome,

Berixium R3 (Revision 3)

Hey Guys,

Remember my First Post on WOB? The Berixium? Well since then its gone through two major revisions. R2 Added wings and the now finished R3 adds a second layer for more stability, more armor and a bunch of other things. I just wanted to share it, so without further ado! Here it is!
Berixium Revision 3, Click the Thumbnail to make the Image larger!

Matoran Prototypes for MasterHakua

Look Here:
UnervDev Bionicle Section

Tell me What you think! I still need names for all the Moc's. For Storylines, the Green one is the leader of the team. I think the Green one's name should start with a Ma-.

Comment Please!



I've just created a wiki called Ninjagopedia please join it and contribute to the project. Here's the link: Also, I've got a water MoC prototype ready for MasterHakua (Image coming soon). Please share your thoughts,

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Prototypes, help needed.

is anybody out there still creating? I am in search of moc makers, I am putting into action a 2 month plan to design mocs to further promote to all cites possible, I want to make a small attempt at changing Legos mind. I have 3 prototype Mocs ready to go and I am searching for 3 more possibilities, I am creating a Toa team. respond to this with any interests.

Friday 11 February 2011

Bionicle: Heros MoCs

Toa Megazarak
Toa of Earth
Pakari Nuva
Biography Coming Soon...
Toa Pyros
Toa of Plasma
Great Hau
Biography Coming Soon...
Toa Shayla
Toa of Water
Kaukau Nuva
Biography Coming Soon...
Toa Vakor
Toa of Magnetism
Matatu Nuva
Biography Coming soon...
Toa Cystisus
Toa of the Green
Miru Nuva
Biography coming soon...
Mentis Coming Soon


Makuta Sokore
Helmet: Rock Agori Helmet/Kanohi Mortem Mask of Terror
Standing over 40 feet tall, Sokore was a force to be reckoned with. Matching Teridax and Miserix in skill and Intelligence, Sokore was feared throughout the Brotherhood. Sokore usually led Makuta Forces to eliminate any who dare question the will of Mata Nui. When the League of Six Kingdoms attacked. Sokore counterattacked ferociously and destroyed half of the League with his mighty Titan Axe of Incidere! His victory over the League's Army was praised. Teridax was praised more than him, but Sokore didn't care all he new was that the battle gave Teridax new Ideas but Sokore couldn't quite figure out what. His expertise and tactics gave him a position to lead a small team of Makuta to explore other worlds. Sokore's Pod exploded. Thinking of death Sokore became unconscious. And he crashlanded on Kini Magna. On arrival Sokore woke up and attacked the Inhabitants making a deal with the Thrall. His mask was broken, so he killed one of the Rock Agori and took his helmet and combined it with his Kanohi making the Mask of Terror. With It he killed Weaseye who sacrificed his powers to stop him. Sokore was deeply wounded and after seeing how a lone Glatorian could do this to him, began to stop underestimating his foes. He sent a warrior called Kurahk, named after the Rahkshii, to attack with the Mercenary Clones. He was mostly successful. And his campaign killed Volann and most of the Agori. He decided to leave Bruticus for now. He returned to home to find that Teridax had become the new leader. Sokore eventually worked out Teridax's Angle and decided to leave Mata Nui's body saying 'If he dies, I will claim his place, If he rules supreme I will find my own planet. No matter what I will not play a part in his genocidal campagin'. Before he left, he gathered his allies as Sleeper Agents waiting for the day could attack. He also thought about his former Toa Hagah Team, and that It is time to make sure they do not live! He failed in his plan for now...
Veilik and Heirde
Helmets: Scourge Ice Helmet, Bat Shadow Helmet
Biography: (Veilik)
Veilik is a warrior from the Tren Krom Region having even found and met Tren Krom whom the latter decided to give knowldege of the universe. Veilik was once an honest, good and noble warrior who protected his villages alongside some Toa Heroes. However after awhile from his experience with Tren Krom Veilik succumbed to the corruption of the knowledge which he used to destroy and wipe out his entire Village including the Matoran and Two Turage Elders who he swored to protect. His experience with Tren Krom and his knowledge attracted the attention of Sokore. The Makuta trained Veilik further and after his training was complete he partnered him up with Heirde, a creature of the Shadow.
Biography: (Heirde)
Heirde was a Matoran Scholar and he was about to come close to a breakthrough until a Gurdian of knowledge attacked and supposedly killed him. Since the beast was a Guardian of knowledge, information of the Onu-Matoran was lost and to everyone else he never existed. Luckily for the Onu-Matoran he survived the attack and wanted to seek revenge on the Guardian and his entire village for deserting him. Eventually while wandering his thoughts he remembered a location of a Sacred Toa Stone. His plot had been created. After taking the Toa Stone and using it on himself he spent a year figuring out new battle techniques and wore a mask to conceal his Identity. Not that It mattered. The week that came next was the death of the guardian. Heirde brutally killed It and drained It's new powers for the next phase of his plan. After days had come, a big body count had arrived. Scared of their demise. The remaining Matoran fled to a Temple hoping it would protect them. Unfortunatly Heirde found them and stabbed and even beheaded them until there was no-one left... Sokore however found him and decided to bring him for Training. He was then partenered up with Veilik.
Helmet: Fire Soldier Class A
Mercenary is a Bounty Hunter from Xenon whom Sokore met during one of his raids, surprised at the Warrior's skill, strength, speed and agility and expertise in all kinds of Warfare. Sokore decided to recruit him into his Splinter Cell Group and after conquering his home planet with just him, Sokore and Khaotic, Sokore thought what would happen with millions of him at his side. He decided to consult Chirox who helped Sokore create a Cloning Process. After months of dedication and hardwork. Sokore and Chirox invented a Machine which would Clone millions of a designated Pilot (The Clone Base Design) but only could copy a quarter of the Pilot's physical and mental skills. With Mercenary leading his new Army, with orders from Sokore, Sokore and his new group would be nearly invincible. After that Sokore took the device incase his enemies would dare try to seize it. Mercenary wielded a weapon, his Fire SMG, that would show his rank and authority ove his Solidiers. It also frightened his new Group's opponents!

Helmet: Griega Chieftain Helmet/Kanohi: Raa'd, Mask of Dislocation
Khaotic was a Makuta from the southern Islands. He was a warmonger and severley punished any other species aside from the Makuta, Matoran and Toa. After the change from physical form to Antidermis he decided, along with Sokore and Kazon, to go on a Splinter Mission to inspect other worlds. After a while Khaotic and Kazon came back to METRU NUI alone. Sokore was marked M.I.A. There mission had been a difficult one and they came back with scars, bruises and new weapons and helmets they had taken from the other worlds. When they returned back they had found there was a new ruler, Teridax. Kazon immediatley refused to serve Teridax and Khaotic was forced to kill his old friend. After Sokore returned Khaotic began to distrust Teridax and his PLAN along with Sokore. Knowing the only means of escaping his genocide they left Mata Nui to go and take refuge and they conquered worlds including Kini Magna. Nothing is known other than that.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Sunday 6 February 2011

Recent Developments

In recent developments War of Brutality has become more organised thanks to the team. Also you can now comment on the extra pages. Please check out those pages as they will contain what this page contained as well.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Recent Activity

Good to see so many back…wish I could join in the conversation more often, but busyness is a reality when you're a junior

What about now?

What about now?

Lego Page

I just made an edit to the LEGO page to make it more organised. Hope no-one minds :) Please share your thoughts,

Lego Nintendo Wii Remote

The Lego Group and Nintendo have collaborated to produce this: The Lego Play & Build Nintendo Wii remote!

Build, play and customize with this fully featured LEGO remote for Wii!
Use your own official Lego pieces (not included) to build a custom display stand using the build-able battery cover. The remote features internal accelerometers, an internal speaker, rumble effects and larger buttons for enhanced control during game play. Works with most Wii chargers and attachments (using included standard battery cover). Includes remote, wrist strap, 2 battery covers, and 31 mini Lego tiles with Lego tile separator. Compatible with Wii MotionPlus.

  • Build, play and customize with this fully featured Lego remote for Wii!
  • The remote features internal accelerometers, an internal speaker, rumble effects and larger buttons for enhanced control during game play.
  • Works with most Wii chargers and attachments (using included standard battery cover) and is compatible with Wii MotionPlus.
  • Includes remote, wrist strap, 2 battery covers, and 31 mini Lego tiles with Lego tile separator.
  • Officially licensed Lego product, developed by POWER A.

The product is on sale in the US from 16th October priced $39.99 exclusively at Toys R Us stores. The can pre-order and find out more about it here. There has been no confirmation of a UK release yet.

Absolutely Awesome Possible Header

What Say you (Click to Make Larger)?

Wednesday 2 February 2011

New Pages

If you haveant noticed yet there are two more pages. Hero Factory and Standard Lego. You can still post anything related to those things but this way you can it make WOB more organized so they know where they need to go for Hero Factory news, stories and MoCs/revamps and normal Lego such as Star Wars, Lego Universe, Ninjago and other sets. At the moment you can't comment on those two pages but I'll try to fix that.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

A truckload of comics

Click to MAKE bigger.