Saturday 26 February 2011

Bionicle MoC: Fire Creation: Axuro

Axuro was a Toa protection regions throughout the Matoran Universe. However he was a very secretive Toa and did not have a Toa Team. Unusually different from his Fire Toa brethren, he was a stealty Toa. After a while he became known for his reputation and his captures were famous. He usually donned different Helmets, sometimes not even Kanohi Masks to become 'incognito'. His targets didn't know what hit them before he striked and they woke up in a Pit. However, some who knew they were corrupt and would be targets hired Dark Hunters to protect them. Knowing this he changed his old ways and worked as a team. Then he enjoyed working in a team and lead them...

N.O.T.E: Axuro and my other M.O.C Velox are both for MasterHakua's Toa Team. Also MasterHakua if you are intrested in this Fire MoC for your team then I would change his helmet, not neccessary but I think a Red Kanohi would fit better than Malum's Glatorian Helmet e.g. Vakama Metru's Helmet.


Sin-Sar said...

I love it, this is the narava of fire, yes?

Sin-Sar said...

I am doing an addon. There is now 10 members to the toa team, I have 3 currently, but my camera is dead and there is no way to get pictures.

0M3G4 said...

can you like borrow your parents camera? Or cell phone camera?

Sin-Sar said...

cell phone, sure i dont see why not.

Fallen Soldier said...

Thanks, and yes Master Hakua this is the narava of fire, if you want to rename him you can, I would suggest (If you can't think of many names) to go on a english-latin translator, It's a very good site for names because I've found that Gelu, Malum and Umbra from BIONICLE are all names that LEGO got from Latin words. Also could you take a look at Velox and see if he's good.

0M3G4 said...

Bara Magna means the Great Abyss in Latin. I take Latin :P

I;ve also noticed the Harry Potter 'Spells' are Latin too :P

0M3G4 said...

Bara Magna means the Great Abyss in Latin. I take Latin :P

I;ve also noticed the Harry Potter 'Spells' are Latin too :P