Saturday 26 February 2011


Velox: Biography

Velox is a Toa of Magnetism like Vakor who was in his previous Toa Team before Vakor was chosen to join the Toa Hagah. It was a team of 3 consisting of Vakor, himself and a Toa of Lightning called Levitas. They shared many missions together fighting of beserk Rahi and out-of-control races like the Vortixx. On one mission they were sent to subdue and capture Roodaka by a Turaga. Managing to reach Roodaka unnoticed, Velox went too quickly and was seen by Roodaka who called to Dark Hunters which attacked and tranquilized Levitas and Vakor from behind and nearly got Velox but Velox's name meant quick and he used his velocity to run past his opponents and used their own Tranquilazer Guns on them saving his team. After that Vakor adopted his Armor in his latest Mission so he could run past Guards without effort. After a while he and Levitas kept on doing Missions together until he dissappeared without a trace...

N.O.T.E: This is Vakor's Latest Revamp because he took this Armor so he could go faster and become more agile in Missions.

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