Friday 25 February 2011

The End of my 'Mocapalooza' for Today

My third and final MOC for today, Zyron. Once a top-scientist for a incredibly powerful race, Zyron became corrupted when an experiment went wrong. By accidentally absorbing tons of radiation, Zyron's mind became corrupted due to a loss of his race's instinctive need to do good. While he was attempting to repair himself to stop the corruption of his mind, one of his fellows reported his corruption. The officials exiled him from his home world, and instead of trying to repair himself. He let the corruption take over. His mind became fogged with rage and a need for revenge. He developed a super-weapon and single-handedly destroyed his home world. He began to train as a warrior and when the Brotherhood found him on a distant world, he joined them. The Brotherhood mutated him, but he lost his eyes in the process, instead he now sees through a implant in his mask. He has absorbed all the Nuva mask powers, Super Strength, Levitation, X-Ray Vision, Super Speed, Shielding and the ability to Breathe Underwater. His current Whereabouts, are Unknown.
(Click the Thumbnail to make the image larger)

Comments are welcome,


Sin-Sar said...

this is a nice moc! could it be the ice toa?

0M3G4 said...

no it is unrelated to ice :P Just white I do Have an Ice, Air and Fire moc almost ready. The Ice and air are done if you want me to post 'em.
I also still have Toa Zinfloniak Laying around :P

Sin-Sar said...

post all the toa related mocs you have, im adding up to 10 more toa to the team. I have 4 mocs as of now and they are rather ready.