Wednesday 2 February 2011

New Pages

If you haveant noticed yet there are two more pages. Hero Factory and Standard Lego. You can still post anything related to those things but this way you can it make WOB more organized so they know where they need to go for Hero Factory news, stories and MoCs/revamps and normal Lego such as Star Wars, Lego Universe, Ninjago and other sets. At the moment you can't comment on those two pages but I'll try to fix that.


0M3G4 said...

i did notice :)
its cool that you can have pages now :)
anywho! Why does the banner say We dont own the domain, so going to it leads to a blank page xD

Hevy782 said...

I can't post on it 'cause I cant find the edit button. I think its because I'm only an author. If someone could change that then I'll probably be able to. I've also got a Bionicle MoC planned and when its finished I'll post it here on WOB :)

Fallen Soldier said...

@Om3g4 yeah thanks for pointing that out, I've now changed that.
@matanui if you want to edit, go on design then press posting, then click edit pages and then choose the page you want to edit.

0M3G4 said...

I changed the header, you can change it back if you wish :)
I just want it to be accurate xD
also: its 0m3g4 with a zero ;)
and: I'm glad to see so much activity here on WOB, its good to see everyone returning :D

Hevy782 said...

^ FallenSolidier
I don't have a design for WOB on my Dashboard. I need to be promoted a admin so that I can edit. If you could do that then that would be great :)

0M3G4 said...

I promoted you matanui :)
IT IS DONE! Lol :)

Fallen Soldier said...

yeah I saw that, I was going to promote you but then I saw that OM3G4 had already done that.

0M3G4 said...

no problemo :)