Friday 25 February 2011

Matoran Prototypes for MasterHakua

Look Here:
UnervDev Bionicle Section

Tell me What you think! I still need names for all the Moc's. For Storylines, the Green one is the leader of the team. I think the Green one's name should start with a Ma-.

Comment Please!



Sin-Sar said...

These are great! My toa team is the Toa Narava. The first toa is Toa Narava Setrov of Iron. The second one I have is Toa Narava Hakua of shadows. The third is in the making. The appropriate name is the Narav-Matoran the planet will be decided when all is done.

0M3G4 said...

I love making toa of iron :)
And I'm glad you like them :D