Wednesday 2 March 2011

Coming along well, new updates.

Everyone the prototypes seem to have had a lovely kick off on the site, all pictures for my mocs will be posted as soon as possible. Comment telling me your progress and tell me if any details are going to be added to mocs. There is as of now a new addition. over 10 toa will be in this team, and seeing how i have four as of now i dont see why it wouldnt need more. I am anxious to put all of these toa together, send me pictures of mocs at my email I will be making a large group photo when all is said and done.


0M3G4 said...

I am working on a toa team but I've run out of gray parts :P
I'm posting it today.

Fallen Soldier said...

so who are part of your toa team?

Sin-Sar said...

I have a toa of focus. A toa of air, a toa of iron, and a toa of shadows.