Sunday 27 February 2011

Water Toa Prototype for MasterHakua

 Hope you like it :)
Sorry about the missing armour but for some reason I can't find any blue armour pieces at the moment. When I find some I'll post more pics if you want me to.

Saturday 26 February 2011

Bionicle MoC: Fire Creation: Axuro

Axuro was a Toa protection regions throughout the Matoran Universe. However he was a very secretive Toa and did not have a Toa Team. Unusually different from his Fire Toa brethren, he was a stealty Toa. After a while he became known for his reputation and his captures were famous. He usually donned different Helmets, sometimes not even Kanohi Masks to become 'incognito'. His targets didn't know what hit them before he striked and they woke up in a Pit. However, some who knew they were corrupt and would be targets hired Dark Hunters to protect them. Knowing this he changed his old ways and worked as a team. Then he enjoyed working in a team and lead them...

N.O.T.E: Axuro and my other M.O.C Velox are both for MasterHakua's Toa Team. Also MasterHakua if you are intrested in this Fire MoC for your team then I would change his helmet, not neccessary but I think a Red Kanohi would fit better than Malum's Glatorian Helmet e.g. Vakama Metru's Helmet.


Velox: Biography

Velox is a Toa of Magnetism like Vakor who was in his previous Toa Team before Vakor was chosen to join the Toa Hagah. It was a team of 3 consisting of Vakor, himself and a Toa of Lightning called Levitas. They shared many missions together fighting of beserk Rahi and out-of-control races like the Vortixx. On one mission they were sent to subdue and capture Roodaka by a Turaga. Managing to reach Roodaka unnoticed, Velox went too quickly and was seen by Roodaka who called to Dark Hunters which attacked and tranquilized Levitas and Vakor from behind and nearly got Velox but Velox's name meant quick and he used his velocity to run past his opponents and used their own Tranquilazer Guns on them saving his team. After that Vakor adopted his Armor in his latest Mission so he could run past Guards without effort. After a while he and Levitas kept on doing Missions together until he dissappeared without a trace...

N.O.T.E: This is Vakor's Latest Revamp because he took this Armor so he could go faster and become more agile in Missions.

Friday 25 February 2011

Toa Setrov of Iron, Narava Biographies.

Toa setrov is a veteran hero of many wars and as such has mastered his control of iron, with this ability almost no enemy can stop him, however the new species the toa team has encountered does not utilize iron or metals as an armor. As a veteran he has experienced near death, as a result he has lost an arm and it has been replaced with an advanced replacement arm that has a nova blaster built on. He has lost an eye and he replaced his lost eye with an analyzer that helps him scan an area for enemies, he is rather small and agile and can take out his enemies from a distance by chanelling his control through the ground and up under the enemy to tie them to the ground in iron shackles. Being part of the team is a great honor to him although he has been part of 3 other toa teams, he is a very useful ally to the Toa Narava. (picture coming soon.)

The End of my 'Mocapalooza' for Today

My third and final MOC for today, Zyron. Once a top-scientist for a incredibly powerful race, Zyron became corrupted when an experiment went wrong. By accidentally absorbing tons of radiation, Zyron's mind became corrupted due to a loss of his race's instinctive need to do good. While he was attempting to repair himself to stop the corruption of his mind, one of his fellows reported his corruption. The officials exiled him from his home world, and instead of trying to repair himself. He let the corruption take over. His mind became fogged with rage and a need for revenge. He developed a super-weapon and single-handedly destroyed his home world. He began to train as a warrior and when the Brotherhood found him on a distant world, he joined them. The Brotherhood mutated him, but he lost his eyes in the process, instead he now sees through a implant in his mask. He has absorbed all the Nuva mask powers, Super Strength, Levitation, X-Ray Vision, Super Speed, Shielding and the ability to Breathe Underwater. His current Whereabouts, are Unknown.
(Click the Thumbnail to make the image larger)

Comments are welcome,

Berixium R3 (Revision 3)

Hey Guys,

Remember my First Post on WOB? The Berixium? Well since then its gone through two major revisions. R2 Added wings and the now finished R3 adds a second layer for more stability, more armor and a bunch of other things. I just wanted to share it, so without further ado! Here it is!
Berixium Revision 3, Click the Thumbnail to make the Image larger!

Matoran Prototypes for MasterHakua

Look Here:
UnervDev Bionicle Section

Tell me What you think! I still need names for all the Moc's. For Storylines, the Green one is the leader of the team. I think the Green one's name should start with a Ma-.

Comment Please!



I've just created a wiki called Ninjagopedia please join it and contribute to the project. Here's the link: Also, I've got a water MoC prototype ready for MasterHakua (Image coming soon). Please share your thoughts,

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Prototypes, help needed.

is anybody out there still creating? I am in search of moc makers, I am putting into action a 2 month plan to design mocs to further promote to all cites possible, I want to make a small attempt at changing Legos mind. I have 3 prototype Mocs ready to go and I am searching for 3 more possibilities, I am creating a Toa team. respond to this with any interests.

Friday 11 February 2011

Bionicle: Heros MoCs

Toa Megazarak
Toa of Earth
Pakari Nuva
Biography Coming Soon...
Toa Pyros
Toa of Plasma
Great Hau
Biography Coming Soon...
Toa Shayla
Toa of Water
Kaukau Nuva
Biography Coming Soon...
Toa Vakor
Toa of Magnetism
Matatu Nuva
Biography Coming soon...
Toa Cystisus
Toa of the Green
Miru Nuva
Biography coming soon...
Mentis Coming Soon


Makuta Sokore
Helmet: Rock Agori Helmet/Kanohi Mortem Mask of Terror
Standing over 40 feet tall, Sokore was a force to be reckoned with. Matching Teridax and Miserix in skill and Intelligence, Sokore was feared throughout the Brotherhood. Sokore usually led Makuta Forces to eliminate any who dare question the will of Mata Nui. When the League of Six Kingdoms attacked. Sokore counterattacked ferociously and destroyed half of the League with his mighty Titan Axe of Incidere! His victory over the League's Army was praised. Teridax was praised more than him, but Sokore didn't care all he new was that the battle gave Teridax new Ideas but Sokore couldn't quite figure out what. His expertise and tactics gave him a position to lead a small team of Makuta to explore other worlds. Sokore's Pod exploded. Thinking of death Sokore became unconscious. And he crashlanded on Kini Magna. On arrival Sokore woke up and attacked the Inhabitants making a deal with the Thrall. His mask was broken, so he killed one of the Rock Agori and took his helmet and combined it with his Kanohi making the Mask of Terror. With It he killed Weaseye who sacrificed his powers to stop him. Sokore was deeply wounded and after seeing how a lone Glatorian could do this to him, began to stop underestimating his foes. He sent a warrior called Kurahk, named after the Rahkshii, to attack with the Mercenary Clones. He was mostly successful. And his campaign killed Volann and most of the Agori. He decided to leave Bruticus for now. He returned to home to find that Teridax had become the new leader. Sokore eventually worked out Teridax's Angle and decided to leave Mata Nui's body saying 'If he dies, I will claim his place, If he rules supreme I will find my own planet. No matter what I will not play a part in his genocidal campagin'. Before he left, he gathered his allies as Sleeper Agents waiting for the day could attack. He also thought about his former Toa Hagah Team, and that It is time to make sure they do not live! He failed in his plan for now...
Veilik and Heirde
Helmets: Scourge Ice Helmet, Bat Shadow Helmet
Biography: (Veilik)
Veilik is a warrior from the Tren Krom Region having even found and met Tren Krom whom the latter decided to give knowldege of the universe. Veilik was once an honest, good and noble warrior who protected his villages alongside some Toa Heroes. However after awhile from his experience with Tren Krom Veilik succumbed to the corruption of the knowledge which he used to destroy and wipe out his entire Village including the Matoran and Two Turage Elders who he swored to protect. His experience with Tren Krom and his knowledge attracted the attention of Sokore. The Makuta trained Veilik further and after his training was complete he partnered him up with Heirde, a creature of the Shadow.
Biography: (Heirde)
Heirde was a Matoran Scholar and he was about to come close to a breakthrough until a Gurdian of knowledge attacked and supposedly killed him. Since the beast was a Guardian of knowledge, information of the Onu-Matoran was lost and to everyone else he never existed. Luckily for the Onu-Matoran he survived the attack and wanted to seek revenge on the Guardian and his entire village for deserting him. Eventually while wandering his thoughts he remembered a location of a Sacred Toa Stone. His plot had been created. After taking the Toa Stone and using it on himself he spent a year figuring out new battle techniques and wore a mask to conceal his Identity. Not that It mattered. The week that came next was the death of the guardian. Heirde brutally killed It and drained It's new powers for the next phase of his plan. After days had come, a big body count had arrived. Scared of their demise. The remaining Matoran fled to a Temple hoping it would protect them. Unfortunatly Heirde found them and stabbed and even beheaded them until there was no-one left... Sokore however found him and decided to bring him for Training. He was then partenered up with Veilik.
Helmet: Fire Soldier Class A
Mercenary is a Bounty Hunter from Xenon whom Sokore met during one of his raids, surprised at the Warrior's skill, strength, speed and agility and expertise in all kinds of Warfare. Sokore decided to recruit him into his Splinter Cell Group and after conquering his home planet with just him, Sokore and Khaotic, Sokore thought what would happen with millions of him at his side. He decided to consult Chirox who helped Sokore create a Cloning Process. After months of dedication and hardwork. Sokore and Chirox invented a Machine which would Clone millions of a designated Pilot (The Clone Base Design) but only could copy a quarter of the Pilot's physical and mental skills. With Mercenary leading his new Army, with orders from Sokore, Sokore and his new group would be nearly invincible. After that Sokore took the device incase his enemies would dare try to seize it. Mercenary wielded a weapon, his Fire SMG, that would show his rank and authority ove his Solidiers. It also frightened his new Group's opponents!

Helmet: Griega Chieftain Helmet/Kanohi: Raa'd, Mask of Dislocation
Khaotic was a Makuta from the southern Islands. He was a warmonger and severley punished any other species aside from the Makuta, Matoran and Toa. After the change from physical form to Antidermis he decided, along with Sokore and Kazon, to go on a Splinter Mission to inspect other worlds. After a while Khaotic and Kazon came back to METRU NUI alone. Sokore was marked M.I.A. There mission had been a difficult one and they came back with scars, bruises and new weapons and helmets they had taken from the other worlds. When they returned back they had found there was a new ruler, Teridax. Kazon immediatley refused to serve Teridax and Khaotic was forced to kill his old friend. After Sokore returned Khaotic began to distrust Teridax and his PLAN along with Sokore. Knowing the only means of escaping his genocide they left Mata Nui to go and take refuge and they conquered worlds including Kini Magna. Nothing is known other than that.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Sunday 6 February 2011

Recent Developments

In recent developments War of Brutality has become more organised thanks to the team. Also you can now comment on the extra pages. Please check out those pages as they will contain what this page contained as well.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Recent Activity

Good to see so many back…wish I could join in the conversation more often, but busyness is a reality when you're a junior

What about now?

What about now?

Lego Page

I just made an edit to the LEGO page to make it more organised. Hope no-one minds :) Please share your thoughts,

Lego Nintendo Wii Remote

The Lego Group and Nintendo have collaborated to produce this: The Lego Play & Build Nintendo Wii remote!

Build, play and customize with this fully featured LEGO remote for Wii!
Use your own official Lego pieces (not included) to build a custom display stand using the build-able battery cover. The remote features internal accelerometers, an internal speaker, rumble effects and larger buttons for enhanced control during game play. Works with most Wii chargers and attachments (using included standard battery cover). Includes remote, wrist strap, 2 battery covers, and 31 mini Lego tiles with Lego tile separator. Compatible with Wii MotionPlus.

  • Build, play and customize with this fully featured Lego remote for Wii!
  • The remote features internal accelerometers, an internal speaker, rumble effects and larger buttons for enhanced control during game play.
  • Works with most Wii chargers and attachments (using included standard battery cover) and is compatible with Wii MotionPlus.
  • Includes remote, wrist strap, 2 battery covers, and 31 mini Lego tiles with Lego tile separator.
  • Officially licensed Lego product, developed by POWER A.

The product is on sale in the US from 16th October priced $39.99 exclusively at Toys R Us stores. The can pre-order and find out more about it here. There has been no confirmation of a UK release yet.

Absolutely Awesome Possible Header

What Say you (Click to Make Larger)?

Wednesday 2 February 2011

New Pages

If you haveant noticed yet there are two more pages. Hero Factory and Standard Lego. You can still post anything related to those things but this way you can it make WOB more organized so they know where they need to go for Hero Factory news, stories and MoCs/revamps and normal Lego such as Star Wars, Lego Universe, Ninjago and other sets. At the moment you can't comment on those two pages but I'll try to fix that.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

A truckload of comics

Click to MAKE bigger.

Hero Factory 2.0

I got Jetbug and Surge 2.0 not so long ago and they are great. Reviews will be up soon. My brother got the Furno bike and Furno 2.0 so there will be reviews of them as well. Has anyone else got any new Hero Factory sets. If so then please comment bellow. Also, click here to see my new instalment to mission 2.0 on my blog and, if you haven't already, please follow my new blog. This was just a quick about what I've been doing so far. Please share your thoughts,