Friday 30 October 2009

War of Brutality 2.0

Please Visit the New and Improved WOB Site 2.0 Please can all Mods and Followers visit there, but If you don't want to you don't have to so the decision is yours!

If you do want to go, Here's The Link,

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Oh, Almost Forgot...

I made another blog, as Xian said this one is getting messy, All mod's are invited to return...

Learning A Hard Part Of Life... THE BAN OF DOOM

My parent's have put the official no more Bionicles ban on me, until after Christmas...


Tuesday 27 October 2009

Monday 26 October 2009

I have 5 new upcoming blogs!

From outlander blogs to commander blogs! Now I will have blogs for these characters: Commander Naju, Commander Acki, Commander Shadox, and Commander Fang. After these four, I will have the team blog showing all people in the ranks, what comanders have for weaponry and who potential threats are. All will be up in a max of 1 month now.

Neos just leave me alone

Neos, you are really being mean to me and you just won't stop. So I prefer you to stop following this blog If you hate me. It's just that I don't want to get this situation so high that It affects other bloggers!

Sunday 25 October 2009


Alright. How about we post stuff about LEGO on a new blog. This Blog is getting too messy.

New Header

I like the new header whoever put it up

Friday 23 October 2009

I know it is not bionicle but its about LU

Tantra's Diary One Man for Himself

October 23rd 2009
Journey to the Rendezous,

Ackar and Gelu had luckily just destroyed the Enemy's Research Station, but It wasn't over yet! Motex was seen in that battle and no doubt would he back to destroy me and the others! I quickly took his mind away from his dark thoughts and remembered he had to get to the Rescue point in Northen Roxtus protected by Rogue Skrall! quickly tested out his weapons and jumped away, he quickly told Ackar and Gelu to come along, no doubt there would be trouble. They quickly looked around for a chariot and there it was laid under rock terrain! Ackar blasted it with his Thornax Launcher freeing it from the rock crumblings. They got on and off to Northen Roxtus. Skrall beware!

I will write more in our next stop at the Portal-Being-infected Tesara!

Glatorian Arena 3 announce

Well we've been kind of focusing on comics and new Moc Blogs and Stories, so I thought we needed to just post some more bionicle news
Well enough of that, here is screenshots of the new GLATORIAN ARENA 3 Game! Currently I see that we have clearly more playable areas. As we have a Multipalyer option, Career Mode/New Game and Quick Play. From the two images here, they seem very cool. As soon as I find more screenshots, I will post it.

Like the movie?

Thursday 22 October 2009


Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Monday 19 October 2009

The Chronicles of Toa Kovorix: Part 2

Sneak peek

Did anybody won The Robot Chronicles?

Because I need help. :{

You've All Probably Been Wondering :)

Finally I will annouce my MLN Username....
Drum Roll!!!!



there you have it folks :)

Sunday 18 October 2009

The Reign of Teridax: Tahu: Part 3

The Reign of Teridax: Tahu: part 3 is now out
It features Malikiux as the enemy.
The Reign of Teridax: Tahu: Part 3

Friday 16 October 2009

Sprite Sheet
Now you can make fan comics. :}

Bionicle Thriller

Hey I'm getting kind of lazy in posting because of my tests and that I've been going on mln and the WOB Forum. Well I found on Youtube someone's stop-motion of thriler except there is the toa metru as the zombies/mutants and Vakama as Michael Jackson. Note: this was not created by me.


Update: I have created a Malikiux MoC (Toa Mazeka's Arch-Enemy that appeared at the end of The Reign of Teridax: Tahu: Part 2) He will be featured in Part 3 as soon as I finish the story.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Destruction Of GOOGLE(R)

Also, There Is a New theme on WOB Forum

Tuesday 13 October 2009


The Chronicles of Toa Kovorix: Part 1

The Chronicles of Toa Kovorix: Part 1 is now out. more will be coming very soon. the first few parts don't have much action, but hope you enjoy them anyways


if you can't see it.

Bionicle: Toa Kovorix

My newest blog is Bionicle: Toa Kovorix

Monday 12 October 2009

A Filler

P.S. Mine mln user name is Xander0077 not Night Blazer.

Sunday 11 October 2009


I've been gone for the weekend. How's everyone doing?

Saturday 10 October 2009

That time again.

Hey everyone, it's that time in our lives again when bionicle news is slowing and slowly coming to a halt, bionicle has so far ran out of ideas and stars will emerge as older bionicles. So does anyone wish to create a couple mocs and send em to duncanh308@gmail .com? I will post them on my new mocs blog that will be made when i get enough emails

Friday 9 October 2009

Legend Reborn Movie Event on Nicktoons

Well on Youtube I've seen many videos of the trailer in Legend Reborn one of them was Onewa. And I thought I might post it here. I think the trailer was vey vey good. The quick action sequences fit very well with the very few speech and I think it made some more scenes epic like the Battle with Tuma which many people were dissapointed in Anyway Here's the Trailer.

Thursday 8 October 2009

War Of Brutality Forum Officially Online!


War Of Brutality Forum
Is Now Officially Online! It is a web forum I set up last month, I finally finished it. Please check it out!!! If we get enough web traffic, we can get a real domain, like

To navigate to it, go to the War Of Brutality Links and click it there.
NOTE: War Of Brutality MOD's we become administrators upon sign up :)

-Biomaniac AKA BioHazard96

Good and bad news

Good news:I'm almost done with the new comic. The bad news? Rose has friends coming here and one of them has a crush on me. :[ Wish me luck.

Bionicle, the comic part 3

Here you guys go, also, here is one of my sprite sheets.

Biomaniac AKA BioHazard96

My Project Is FINALLY Online

That's right, the project I started back in August is finally online and ready to go, it is a web forum for War of Brutality and BzClub. Now That is is online, we can all go there too. Moderators here, will become moderators there upon signup.

Click Here to go to the new forum

Wednesday 7 October 2009


Click on the pictures to make them bigger.

Comic... Part Two

Here It Is!!!

Click Me

Planning to Post more stuff

I'm starting to get lazy, I haven't posted anything in a while... But!!! Now I'm finally on BZPower, my username is BioHazard96

See you guys later...
-Biomaniac :)


Tuesday 6 October 2009

Game Blog

Well I've actually had this blog for quite a while but i forgot to tell most of guys about my game blog. For those of you who like games plz visit
Ok, how the heck did I get the MoD of the month? I was behind in the polls.....Oh well, I'm the MoD of the month for the next month. And why is Shadow not on the MoD of the month poll for this month?

Anyhow, thanx for voting for me for all that did, but don't vote for me next month....I Guess I just don't think I should've got the MoD of the month award because I've only been here for a month

I am finally back from my trip to FL. I worked on a few stories in the car and you'll see those soon.


My First Attempt At A Comic.

I know, needs more laughs...

Click Me!

Monday 5 October 2009

Comic Update

The next comic is going to be a holiday comic{guess which one}  and if you want to be in the comic use this spritesheet.If your don't know how to use it go to That is all.

Saturday 3 October 2009

The Weaseye Chronicles Blog

Following Xian_Toa's advice I decided to create a blog for my new story The Weaseye Chronicles. Please comment and follow and also the second episode of The Weaseye Chronicles was posted there.

TLR Glatorian Legends Wallpapers

Mata Nui

The Great Spirit




Well too bad Gelu wasn't in the fourth movie. But at least now we get to see what he looks like in a CGI form. And evn better now that we've seen him in a movie form there's more hope that he may be in the next Movie.

Friday 2 October 2009

A comic thing

To anybody that reads my comic. If you don't click on the picture it won't make it bigger.