Friday 23 October 2009

Glatorian Arena 3 announce

Well we've been kind of focusing on comics and new Moc Blogs and Stories, so I thought we needed to just post some more bionicle news
Well enough of that, here is screenshots of the new GLATORIAN ARENA 3 Game! Currently I see that we have clearly more playable areas. As we have a Multipalyer option, Career Mode/New Game and Quick Play. From the two images here, they seem very cool. As soon as I find more screenshots, I will post it.


Skullamanjaro Lover said...

i wish they have the maximus glatorians in it.

XianToa said...

I like the idea of posting bionicle news. :]

Fallen Soldier said...

yeah me too! I'll try to post daily with lots of bionicle news, but since legend reborn was relesed, news is going down and it's taking quite a while until major news like the bionicle stars is discovered! SO all we can count on posting is new mocs!