Friday 16 October 2009

Bionicle Thriller

Hey I'm getting kind of lazy in posting because of my tests and that I've been going on mln and the WOB Forum. Well I found on Youtube someone's stop-motion of thriler except there is the toa metru as the zombies/mutants and Vakama as Michael Jackson. Note: this was not created by me.


XianToa said...

WOW, this guy's good at stop motion. It is pretty hard to sync the music with the dance moves.

I do have to say I'm not a huge fan of Michael Jackson. This song's ok, because it doesn't have much lyrics until the end.

It was kindof funny how the people at michael Jackson's funeral were like "This is the worst day of my life" Either they have had good luck their whole life, or their insane.

Fallen Soldier said...

yes he is very good at stop-motion for it to fit all with the music. And It's Okay If you're not a big fan of Michael Jackson. I'm only just posting this because bionicle news is getting slow latley an the only major news is the bionicle stars in bionicle 5.

XianToa said...

Kindof. We should have more discussion on the latest story. the most I've seen is that someone posts that the latest story came out on and their is no discussion on it. or does everyone just care about the sets. I care about them too, but the story is great too