Friday 17 December 2010

Toa Phasma: Sorrow

Toa Pyros watched with a glazed look in the eye at the stars surrounding Metru Nui, feeling cold and troubled. He had seen terrible demises at the hands of the Makuta. Most Toa Hagah teams which had rebelled were elimintated all apart from Norik's Team and Pyros' Team, he felt deep sorrow for them an yet he could not depart from the horrible and aching nightmares which filled his head every time he thought of the word...Makuta!

5 years ago:
"So I guess even Makuta need protection nowadays, So Toa what are your names, YOU(pointing to Pyros)!" chuckled Sokore
"Toa Pyros, we have been commanded by your leader Teridax to come and offer our services to protect you from Rahi and other threats leader!" answered Pyros
"And our names are Shayla, I am a Toa of Water, Vakor is a Toa of Magnetism..." relied Shayla as Sokore interrupted.
"Yes I've been informed, Megazarak Toa of Earth, Cystisus Toa of Plantlife and Mentis Toa of Psiconics!" exclaimed Makuta Sokore

The Toa nodded as Sokore gave them their orders, trained them and gave them extra Adaptive Armor and Weapons for even the most dangerous Rahi like Krahka and Vahki Hunters. Toa Pyros and Toa Vakor and Toa Cystisus proved to be the most efficient in weapons and proved to be inexpendable Toa while the others struggled with the training mostly due to the fact Shayla had not mastered Water, Megazarak had difficulty controlling his temper and Mentis was not so good at the combat part of training and excelled more at negotiating, a skill that when used perfectly is better than vicious brutal combat!

Then a fateful night, an entire army developed by intelligent beings had arrived at Sokore's Fortress on Destral. Sokore stared and called his Toa Hagah team to come forward and defeat the Rahi Intruders. Little did they know that this was the plot of the Makuta(Teridax, Mutran and Sokore) because Norik and his team had rebelled against the Makuta after discovering their true intentions. Sokore had an evil gleam in his eye, a smirk slowly started to apper in his black, sleek Kanohi Mask. He thought'these Toa will be no match for an entire legion of Rahi, Exo-Toa an Voparak combined forces! But the Toa's will was strong and will provides the strength!

Pyros gathered his Team and ordered them to set the placement of the turrets to bombard and disentigrate the Exo-Toa. Mentis being a less of a combatatant manned the turret and rapidly fired the painful rounds which pentrated through an Exo-Toa's thick armor. Pyros combined hid fire with Cystisus' plant life to burn a plant which Megazarak cut down trampling the Tahtorak. Visorak started to lumber forward with a maleolvent force hoping to extinguish the brave Toa. Shayla focused with her elemental power and spinned countinously until an enormus water whirlpool covered the view of the sky. Shayla unleashed the force creating a massive attack which drowned plenty of the Visorak. Vakor controlled his magnetic power, with his sword held by his back and launched a furious amount of magnetic energy braking the mechanical armor of the Rahi and the Exo Toa. Unfortunatly a Tahtorak jumped to destroy the Toa but Vakor used his staff to control the Tahtorak letting Megazark fire and crumble the Rahi beast to bits. Sokore then decided to see what all of the eruption and destruction was and saw the Toa Hagah team decimate and destroy the forces of the threat.

"Time to take matters into my own hands, these Toa will pay!" he muttered to himself

With a swiring amount of energy, he fired. The Toa quickly saw the energy and trembled as it headed right for them...

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