Saturday 18 December 2010

My First Hero Factory MOC's

These are my First Hero Factory MOC's: Alex Stryker and Jason StormSee the pics here.


Fallen Soldier said...

awesum, I like the names. I haveant started collecting hero factory yet but i'm starting with Von Nebula and Xplode. I might try to get the Hero factory heroes as well as thunder. Since I live in england they arent out yet here. btw i rly like the melee weapons and gun design.

Hevy782 said...

Cool Hero MoC's! The only bad part (Which is Lego's fault, not yours) is that the masks/helmets give them to much unique stuff so that they look like the same character but I think you did quite well at making the look different.

^ Shadow/Fallen Soldier
Which part of England do you live in because I live in England and they've been out since September were I am. (If the questions to personal then you don't have to answer if you don't want to)

0M3G4 said...

Thanks guys, and i agree with what you said matanui.
Anywho, Shadow/Fallen Soldier I thought you said you lived in Chicago?

Fallen Soldier said...

i did but i moved and matanui i live in the norfolk part of england.

Hevy782 said...

^ Shadow/Fallen Soldier
O.K. I live near Reading, quite far inland.