Sunday 12 December 2010

Core War: Warfare II

"Move up, we need to keep going past Lein's Drift!" ordered Vastus
"Commander, we've spotted movement in the east, they're coming in Sand Stalkers, the hostiles are Rock Tribe Skrall, Leader Skrall!" shouted Gade
"Great, tell the others to set up their positions, Elite Warriors get your weapons and hold off the Sand Stalker Waves, All Soldiers load up on ammunition and target either the Driver or the Vehicles legs, OBJECTIVE: Eliminate all hostiles and continue to proceed!" commanded Vastus

Sand Stalkers lead the way while the foot soldiers marched forward, Stronius had managed to gather more troops from Skrall Patrols to take another containment source of Energized Protodermis. Stronius and his Battalion screamed a War Cry and went full-speed ahead at their opponents. Vastus and Stronius exchanged looks and glares and lumbered at each other. Vastus's remaining Army fired their Launchers taking out two-four Sandstalkers which squished the drivers. Vastus jumped and did a backflip onto Stronius' Vehicle and kicked away the powerful brute, unfortunatly a couple of rampaging Skrall pushed past Vastus and two Jungle Combatatants. Stronius unleashed his Club and smashed Vastus' helmet. Vastus shrugged it off and rolled to the sides when two Jungle Warriors punched and shot Stronious, causing devastating amounts of damage at his bulky exterior armor.

"Elite Skrall get over here and kill these pathetic soldiers!" grunted Stronius
"Not while we're winning this fight!" answered Vastus
"Oh really, look around you warrior, your soldiers are being dominated, we laughed at your resistance and we pity you at your inevitable demise!" muttered Stronius

Vastus then watched his tribe get slaughtered, he knew then Stronius was right, the Skrall had them outmatched, outnumbered and outfought, even his strategy could not stop defeat. All he could do now was accept defeat and make sure that at least someone would live to avenge and live to fight another day.


Lein's Drift was lost to the Skrall, but Vastus promised to reclaim the shattered battlefield for the Jungle Agori Lein and for the Jungle Tribe. But now a War was active and Vastus couldn't live with the fact that, if he had continued, his entire army was terminated. Right now all that mattered was survival. Vastus had made the right choice but it had cost them a sample of Energized Protodermis.

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