Saturday 11 December 2010

Core War: Standoff

All Tarix could see was the blood stained of heroes, his eyes closed and opened in a confusing blurr. His Army were fighting against the strongest legion on Spherus Magna, The Fire Army led by Ackar! Swords and Shields counter attacked in an amazing display of fighting, unfortunatly the War had led members of diffrent tribes to drain the Energized Protodermis, which had slowly started spreading into the regions of Spherus Magna, for themselves. The source was dangerous and direct contact had meant death to unlucky Agori...

"Sir, Ackar and his forces are rushing past our warriors, we can't keep holding them off, they'll eventually destroy us!" screamed a Water Soldier
"If we let them win the sacrifice of our allies will be in vain, we will stand and fight Warrior!" exclaimed Tarix

The Water Warrior started firing his long-ranged weapons at incoming Fire Agori warriors. Ackar watched his Soldiers perish at the guns of his enemies. Ackar grabbed his Sword and ran rapidly, his fury great. He eliminated his opponents in single, powerful strikes. Ackar continued on feeling no happiness in the termination of his Tribe and even his enemies. Tarix quickly got up and pounced onto the back of Ackar, he pulled Ackar down and disarmed the Fire Commander. After two of Ackar's advanced Elite Warriors, Incendiz and Flamma, kicked Tarix away from their Commander. Fire Warriors launched in Assault All-Terrain Vehicles which decimated the Water troops. Tarix sensed the fate of battle, however jumped up and in an impressive play of swordsmanship; disarmed Incendiz and Flamma and weakened their armour.

"Surrender and call of your soldiers Ackar and we will let you and your army live!" ordered Tarix
"Never, I will not concede and I will not lose!" replied Ackar
"Sorry then Ackar but I can't allow you to win, Water Lord's orders, Kirbraz activate the Turrets!" shouted Tarix

Luckily Incenduz used his Shield to block the Turrets painful and disentrigating ammunition, Ackar thanked his comrade and called his soldiers to fall back. The Water Soldiers mistook this for surrender and was ambushed by Malum who led a small platoon of Fire Soldiers. A lot of Warriors perished in the attack. Tarix saddened by the loss called of the attack. Malum asked to pursue and capture but Ackar decided to instead capture the source of contained energy and bring back to Vulcanus to which Malum reluctantly agreed.

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