Sunday 5 September 2010

The Legend of Certavus, Section 3: The Missing Glatorian

Certavus had arrived to late, a Agori had told him that Malum went into the mountains to find a Shape shifter. Both Certavus and Malum knew what this thing was.
Malum was foolish to go alone, he knew it would be better to do it together. But no the Fire Glatorian did it alone.
With the decisions he makes I'm surprised he hasn't been a Skopio's dinner. Certavus thought.
Certavus knew why Malum was doing this. I'f he defeated the beast he would be treated like a hero and be given fortune.
But instead of a fortune he was given a pounding, a bad one by the looks of it. All Certavus could find was part of Malums armour.
This is not good. Thought Certavus.

Malum woke up in a huge amout of pain. One minute he was on his way to find a Shape Shifter. Next he was pounded by a warrior in red armour, in fact this warrior looked exactly like him.
"Imposter!" Malum muttered.
"Who?" asked a voice.
Malum turned to see Tarduk, a Agori from Tesara.
"What?" said Malum.
"Who's a imposter" Tarduk asked.
Mulum didn't reply. By the looks of things thing, Tarduk had patched Malum up well. "Thanks" Malum said.
"For what." Tarduk asked.
"Patching me up." Malum replied.
"Your welcome." Said Tarduk.

Certavus turned to see Malum running towards him. The Fire Glatorian was armed and ready to attack Certavus...

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