Sunday 5 September 2010

The Legend of Certavus, Section 2: Discovery near Iconox

A Agori had just been through the scariest moment of his life.
He was walk through the mountains near Iconax, minding his own business. He was hoping to find something useful for trade, maybe a weapon or some form of food.
But what he found was not what he was looking for. He had seen a shape shifter. It looked brutal and unfriendly. It stared at the Agori as if it was scanning it for some thing then it moved on. Terrified he ran to the Village leader.
Luckily for the Agori he wasn't carrying a weapon. For the creature he had seen was programmed to kill any thing that was armed...

Malum was leaving Iconox when he saw the Agori. Malum stopped and asked him what was wrong, not that Malum cared, he was just curios.

"I saw something in the mountains." The Agori said.
"What did you see." Malum asked impatiently, wishing he had never started the conversation.
"A shape shifter of some kind." The Agori said.
Malum believed he knew what the Agori had seen. Their had been rumours that near the end of the Core War, the Great Beings created a race of Warriors that were programmed to kill anything with a weapon.
"Let me handle this." Malum said bravely. "No-thing can escape my Flame Claws." Little did Malum know that he was about to make a big mistake, a really big mistake...

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