Monday 30 August 2010

Bionicle Stars: Skrall Reveiw

This set is my brothers and he got it when I got Gresh. The Bionicle Classic Review's are going to be starting soon but I had to get Gresh and Skrall reviewed first. Anyway, Skrall is a awesome set and has a cool new black and green colour scheme. Now for the Build...

... it was different. Instead of attaching the head to the body piece it attach's to leg piece which is connected to the body. I like the build and am going to give it a 6/10

Their are no new pieces but their are a few re-colours. Most notably the black Kopaka sword. I'll give the new piece's a 6/10

Playability, not good on its own but with some other Bionicle Stars (I would recommend Gresh) you'll have loads of fun. I'm giving the playability a 5/10

Overall I do like this set because it has a cool colour scheme and he just looks awesome. I would recommend to buy him and Gresh together because they a both from Bara Magna and you can make your own battles with them. For those reasons I'm giving him a 8/10

Next will be the Bionicle Classic Reviews. Please share your thoughts,

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Bionicle Stars: Gresh Reveiw

Sorry for the delay on the Bionicle Classic Reviews but I've got two more Bionicle Stars to review. I got Gresh and my brother got Skrall. I still haven't got the Rahkshi so don't expect a review of that for a while. Anyway, lets talk about Gresh.

The build was O.K. but its no better than Takanuva and Tahu. I giving it a 5/10

Their are a good amount of new pieces. You get Gresh's weapons in a solid silver colour which is cool but they are to big for him. The mask is re-coloured into a light green colour which is nice. The feet are the same as Tahu and Takanuva's except they are in light green. I really like the body/shoulder armour pieces, they have more of a Jungle/Vine feel. I'll give the new pieces a 9/10

Playability, Blah Blah Blah, I'm giving it a 5/10

Overall I think Gresh is awesome. The new piece's are good and their are a few re-colours. Their is no question that overall he's worth a 9/10

Next review will be Skrall and then (Unless I get the Rahkshi) I will Start Bionicle Classic Reviews. Please share your thoughts,

Monday 23 August 2010

Preston Stormer Review

My brother got Preston Stormer when I got Natalie Breez. He is cool but I do have one complaint which I think every one knows: his arm is hollow. But he still looks cool.

The Build was even simpler than the rookie's. Because you only have one proper arm you don't as build much. I'm giving the Build a 4/10

Same as the other Hero's, there are a lot of new pieces. 8 in total. The helmet is cool and has a visor along his eyes. The Body is the same as the other Hero's but the body armour is different, it has cool spikes that give him more of a icy feel. He also has a trans-blue HeroCore which is exclusive to this set. He has the blue limbs which are cool but he only comes with 3. The leg armour is the same as the others but they look cool in white. The feet are also the same as the others but in are in white. The weapon is cool and has a nice trans-blue crystal affect, he also has a buzz saw, a harpoon and something else but I don't know what it is. His right hand is moulded into the weapon which give it a nice affect but the con with the weapon is that it is hollow. I'm giving the New Pieces a 9/10

The playability , as you know, is not so good on its own, but together with some of the other Hero's and Villains it would be very fun so I'll give a 5/10

Overall, I like Preston Stormer but my only complaint is the hollow arm. He has a nice colour scheme and some cool pieces. Overall I think he deserves a 7/10

I don't have any more HeroFactory sets to review until I get some more, so their won't be any more HeroFactory reviews for a while but their will be posts on other things. Please share your thoughts,

Friday 20 August 2010

Toa Kovorix: Ice-Cold Rebellion | Chapter 1: Part 2

The next installment of Ice-Cold Rebellion is out at the Toa Kovorix blog

Kovorix charged up his armor's levitation ability and jumped up to where Bratik was.
"Hello old friend. The defense preparations are coming along nicely I presume." the Toa of Ice said
"The preparations are going pretty well, but to face anywhere from five hundred to a thousand rahkshi, The island of Artakha would have to be invincible." Bratik responded "And, that's not counting Exo-Toa if they come."
"Well, At least Artakha can control this island's elements and matter. Otherwise, we could have what happened to Daxia here. I still cannot believe it has only been three days since Makuta's reign of shadows began. I think I'll fly up and....Read the rest: Toa Kovorix: Ice-cold Rebellion | Chapter 1: Part 2

Monday 16 August 2010

Natalie Breez Review

I got Natalie Breez a while ago but forgot to review her. She is not my favourite Hero but she is still cool. Green seems to be the new female colour. Anyway, on with the review.

The Build, as always, was simple. You don't really need the instruction booklet but I used it when I'm building it the first time. I'm giving the build a 5/10

There are a lot of new pieces. 8 different one's. The Rookie chest plate is the same as Will Furno and Mark Surge (I don't have Surge yet) but in a different colour. The Hero Core is in a cool red but it doesn't match the head piece. The Helmet does look like a insect and that relates to the story because she can talk to wildlife, which includes insects, this is only a guess though. The Boomerang's are cool and are almost completely made of a strong rubber. I'll give it a 9/10

The playability is not so good on its own, but together with some of the other Hero's and Villains it would be very fun so I'll give a 5/10

Overall I like this Rookie. She has a cool colour scheme and nice pieces. All in all, I think she deserves a 8/10

Expect a review of Preston Stormer soon. Please share your thoughts,

Toa Tahu Review

Let's go all the way back to the first Bionicle sets... Not this Mistika, Stars and Nuva stuff. To my first Bionicle set ever :)

Tahu is amazingly simple, the colors contrast well, and the build is sturdy and stable. Though not as many parts as his fellow Toa, Tahu has his fair share of unique pieces, that have been re-colored and used all the way to Stars. When this set was introduced, alot of these pieces were new, all except the right arm and hand pieces. Build 8/10 Parts N/A

The playability is not that good on its own "Weeee lets move Tahu's arm by turning this geary-thing!" Combined with the Bohrok and other Toa Tahu and his gang is a lot of fun 5/10

Overall I love Tahu! But to be honest he scores a 9/10 Worth the price if you can find him for less than $20 xD

Sunday 15 August 2010

Toa Kovorix: Ice-Cold Rebellion | Chapter 1: Part 1

This is the first chapter of my latest story. It is out now at Toa Kovorix

The Artakhan matoran were building up defenses. They always had been. Their preparations before had failed. Makuta Kojol lead his large strike force of rahkshi, visorak, and exo-toa and breached the city, stealing the Kanohi Ahvoki, the mask of light. It was a close battle, but the city was stormed and the fortress and stole the mask. Rebuilding was...

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Bionicle Stars: Piraka Reveiw

This set is my brothers and he got it the same time I got Tahu. This will be the last Bionicle Stars review for a while but their will be Bionicle Classic reviews of sets from 2007 coming soon. He has 15 pieces which is less than the others but I don't mind. In the story he is Nektann but the product is called Piraka, probably because he looks a lot like a Piraka but he is cool because we've never seen a Skakdi figure before. I think the thing that makes a Piraka a Piraka is the awesome white teeth which this one is missing but he still has all the other features of a Piraka.

The build was not as good as the other Bionicle Stars. I'm giving the Build a 4/10

Their is 1 new piece and 4 re-colours. The new piece is the head/spine and it is awesome, it connects in a cool way. The re-colours are the arms and legs. I would give the New Pieces (or New Piece in this case) a low score but because it is so cool I'll give it a 8/10

And now for playability, not good on its own but together with the other Bionicle Stars its great. I'll give the playability a 5/10

Overall, I like this set. He may not have that many New Pieces or a very simple build but he looks awesome. Worth the price you pay and Overall he gets a 7/10

Next will be the Classic reviews, then the rest of the Bionicle Stars. Please share your thoughts,

Sunday 8 August 2010

Blast from the Past!!!

Soon I will be reviewing some of the Bionicle sets from 2007. Although I have been collecting since 2005, 2007 was the year I became a serous collector. I will start these review's with the Toa Marhi then move onto the Baraki and so on. Please note that I will not be reviewing all the sets from 2007 because their are 2 or 3 that I haven't got. Please share your thoughts,

Bionicle Stars: Tahu Reveiw

I got Tahu on while he was on sale and he is awesome. My favourite Bionicle Star. I've always liked Tahu. The Mistika version was, and still is, one of my favourite Bionicle's ever. I all like the red ones and just have to buy them. I'm not sure what it is but something makes all those red Bionicle's cool.

The Build, same as Takanuva's, was simple. I'm giving the build a 5/10

Their are a lot of new pieces, most are re-colours though. I think this set is great for new pieces and If you make a lot of MoC's then this is a must have. I'm giving the new pieces a 9/10

Playability, I think you all know by now, is not good on its own, but together with some other sets the playability is great. I'm giving the playability a 5/10

Overall, Tahu is a great set and I would recommend getting him first. Because I am a huge Tahu fan, and because its the end of Bionicle, I'll give him a 10/10

Thanks for reading this review. Expect a review of the Piraka soon. Please share your thoughts,

Friday 6 August 2010

2 New HeroFactory Games!!!

Their are 2 new HeroFactory games on They are Build Your Own Hero and Mission: Von Nebula. I've Built my own Rookie team and a Veteran Hero on the Hero Creator. I've played Mission: Von Nebula, its a O.k. game but my computers to slow so it takes ages for my Hero to move. Anyway the are both cool games. Please share your thoughts,

My One Year Anniversary

I've been on blogger for one year now. My first post was on 6th August 2009. Today is the 6th August 2010. Expect a review of Tahu soon.

Tuesday 3 August 2010

Toys R Us Does Not Have HF!?

Save Bionicle!!!

I found petition for to keep Bionicle alive. Please sign it for it may be our last chance to bring Bionicle back. Here is the link:
You may have already signed it 'cause it has been on for about 10 months now. Please share your thoughts,

MoC: Vorox (Stars Form)

Monday 2 August 2010

The Powers That Be, Chapter 1

Toa Gaaki sat on a rock, exhausted. Along with a handful of other Toa of Water, she had been working for days to help sea creatures and other ocean dwellers to migrate from the ruined Makuta robot to the safety of Aqua Magna. It was grueling work, particularly after the most powerful of their number – Gali Nuva – was called away by Tahu for a special mission.

She created a gentle rain to cool herself down. The drops were colder than she expected and Gaaki actually shivered. She turned and saw the reason for the temperature change. Kopaka, Toa Nuva of Ice, was approaching.

“Have you seen Tahu?” he asked urgently.

“Gone north, with Gali, to search for a site for New Atero,” Gaaki answered. “What’s the matter?”

“The Toa Mahri are in danger,” said Kopaka. “Most likely, we all are. As much as I hate to admit it, I think it is more than I can handle on my own.”

Gaaki didn’t know Kopaka well, but she had heard enough stories to realize that an admission like that meant serious trouble. Not for the first time, she regretted the fact that she had no real control of her Mask of Clairvoyance. It would give her a flash of the near future when it chose to, not at her bidding. She didn’t need a mask power, though, to see how drained Kopaka looked.

“You’re tired,” she said. “I don’t know when Tahu will be back, and it sounds like whatever you found can’t wait. Give me the story and my team will check it out.”

Kopaka related how he had seen a band of barbaric Skakdi, trailed by an apparently subservient team of Toa Mahri, on a journey across Bara Magna. Both groups were following a strange, gold-skinned being, the like of which Kopaka had never seen before. As he watched, the being created a massive castle with just a wave of his hand. He had raced back to camp to warn the other Toa and find help.

It was against Kopaka’s nature to let someone else do his job for him. But he had to admit that Gaaki was right: he was exhausted. Going into battle this way would put both himself and any allies in jeopardy. She promised him the Toa Hagah would only scout out the situation and would check with him before taking any action.

Kopaka spent much of the day observing the efforts of the salvage teams, assisting where he could. Toward evening, he crossed paths with Pohatu Nuva and the two worked together to create a cooling shelter for those laboring in what was left of the Bara Magna desert. That was what they were doing when a strange Toa of Air came stalking across the sand toward them.

“How could you let them do it?” the green-armored Toa demanded. “How could any of you let them do it?”

Pohatu triggered his Mask of Speed and flashed forward to intercept the newcomer. “Slow down,” said the Toa Nuva of Stone. “Do what? What are you talking about?”

“Karzahni,” the Toa spat. “The most twisted, evil, sadistic excuse for a living being I have ever met – and someone set him free. He’s on this planet somewhere, and I’m going to find him.”

“That’s fine,” said Pohatu, trying to keep his gruff voice soothing. “Maybe my friend and I can help. But it would help if we knew who you were first.”

“My name is Lesovikk,” said the Toa of Air. “And I don’t need your help. Just tell me where to find Karzahni and I’ll take care of the rest.”

Pohatu shrugged. “No idea. Never met him.”

“The Toa Mahri have dealt with this Karzahni,” said Kopaka. “But they are … occupied at the moment. Still, we know him to be extremely dangerous. If he is on the loose here, we will organize a search come dawn.”

Lesovikk shook his head. “Dawn will be too late. We have to find him now. If you want to help, you can pick up my trail at first light.”

With that, Lesovikk disappeared into the growing darkness. Pohatu watched him go. “Intense,” he said.

“Indeed,” said Kopaka.

“Kind of reminds me of someone I know,” said the Toa of Stone.

Kopaka glared at him. “I can’t imagine who.”

The next morning, Kopaka and Pohatu set out to follow Lesovikk’s path. Kopaka had made arrangements that if Gaaki and the Toa Hagah returned with any news, he was to be notified immediately. The Toa of Air’s trail went east, toward the village of Vulcanus. As they neared that site, shifting sands obscured any signs of Lesovikk’s passing.

“Maybe he veered off this trail,” Pohatu said. “We might have missed it.”

“Perhaps,” said Kopaka. “Or perhaps he decided it was wise to cover his tracks.”

“I’m going to scout ahead,” said Pohatu.

“Be careful.”

“Don’t need to be,” the Toa of Stone replied, grinning. “I’m fast.”

Pohatu disappeared. An instant later, he was back. His smile had not returned with him.

“You had better come see this,” he said. Grasping Kopaka, he used his mask power again, racing the two of them across the sand. They came to a stop at the edge of Iron Canyon.

“Look,” said Pohatu.

Kopaka peered over the rim of the canyon. At the bottom, he could see the shattered remains of a figure.

“Dead?” asked Kopaka.

“Extremely,” said Pohatu. “Wait. It gets better.”

Pohatu whisked Kopaka down the steep slope to the bottom of the canyon. Even the Toa of Ice, who had seen his share of gruesome sights, was struck by the horror of the scene. It only took a moment’s glance to confirm that the corpse matched the description Toa Jaller once gave of Karzahni.

“So he was fleeing the camp, made it this far, stumbled and fell into the canyon,” said Kopaka. “Bad way to die, but it happens.”

If he died from the fall,” Pohatu replied. “Look at his back.”

Kopaka knelt down. There was a gash in Karzahni’s armor. It could have been made by a weapon, or just by one of the jagged rocks as he fell.

“And now look at this,” said the Toa of Stone. He held out his hand. In it, he grasped a sword with a curved blade. Kopaka had seen its like before. Lesovikk had been carrying it.

“You think …?”

“Could be,” nodded Pohatu. “He finds Karzahni, stabs him, and his enemy goes over the cliff into the canyon.”

“If that’s true, he has violated the code of the Toa,” said Kopaka. “We have to bring him down.”

Pohatu started to reply, then turned at the howl of the wind. A cyclone was hurtling through the canyon, directly at the two Toa.

“If we can, brother,” said Pohatu. “If we can.”

Another New Bionicle Story!!!

Their is another new Bionicle story on Its called: The Powers that Be. It is Awesome!!! I will post it soon. Please Share your thoughts,