Friday 20 August 2010

Toa Kovorix: Ice-Cold Rebellion | Chapter 1: Part 2

The next installment of Ice-Cold Rebellion is out at the Toa Kovorix blog

Kovorix charged up his armor's levitation ability and jumped up to where Bratik was.
"Hello old friend. The defense preparations are coming along nicely I presume." the Toa of Ice said
"The preparations are going pretty well, but to face anywhere from five hundred to a thousand rahkshi, The island of Artakha would have to be invincible." Bratik responded "And, that's not counting Exo-Toa if they come."
"Well, At least Artakha can control this island's elements and matter. Otherwise, we could have what happened to Daxia here. I still cannot believe it has only been three days since Makuta's reign of shadows began. I think I'll fly up and....Read the rest: Toa Kovorix: Ice-cold Rebellion | Chapter 1: Part 2

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