Wednesday 11 August 2010

Bionicle Stars: Piraka Reveiw

This set is my brothers and he got it the same time I got Tahu. This will be the last Bionicle Stars review for a while but their will be Bionicle Classic reviews of sets from 2007 coming soon. He has 15 pieces which is less than the others but I don't mind. In the story he is Nektann but the product is called Piraka, probably because he looks a lot like a Piraka but he is cool because we've never seen a Skakdi figure before. I think the thing that makes a Piraka a Piraka is the awesome white teeth which this one is missing but he still has all the other features of a Piraka.

The build was not as good as the other Bionicle Stars. I'm giving the Build a 4/10

Their is 1 new piece and 4 re-colours. The new piece is the head/spine and it is awesome, it connects in a cool way. The re-colours are the arms and legs. I would give the New Pieces (or New Piece in this case) a low score but because it is so cool I'll give it a 8/10

And now for playability, not good on its own but together with the other Bionicle Stars its great. I'll give the playability a 5/10

Overall, I like this set. He may not have that many New Pieces or a very simple build but he looks awesome. Worth the price you pay and Overall he gets a 7/10

Next will be the Classic reviews, then the rest of the Bionicle Stars. Please share your thoughts,


Skullamanjaro Lover said...

i like his bigger version better. (as a real piraka)

Hevy782 said...

I agree but I do like this version aswell.