Saturday 19 September 2009

Bionicle Doom of Vetru-Nui Character Entry

Aww. I guess these might be even worse well I'll update them in time. At the moment his name is 'Destroyer' reporting to entry.


Fallen Soldier said...

Sorry. Mata Nui me email is

XianToa said...

still looks good Shadow. Like I said, nothing like a little competition to bring out your true MoCing Skills.

XianToa said...

I need competition!!!!!!!

XianToa said...

so that I can have better MoCing skills

-Xian_Toa, the really hyperactive bionicle fan right now

XianToa said...

Oh yeah, posting better pictures wise: I can barely see the armor in my first pics of Konvak.

I hope you get better pics soon Shadow, your's looks great from what I see (your best MoC ever which is goooood), it'll probably look even better with new pics