Saturday 19 September 2009

Toa Konvak

Konvak is a Toa of Ice that lives in Vetru Nui
(Created for BioManiac's competition, but I might make a story of him in an alternate universe myslelf :)



Fallen Soldier said...

Awesome Xian_Toa. That is going to be hard to beat. I'm braking the guy I just created and I am going to make a new one to tackle your excellent Mocing

XianToa said...

if you can.... :]
jk, I thought it turned out pretty well, wasn't expecting it to be that good, but if I don't win, I'll make a story about him myself

I'm sure your's will be good too

XianToa said...

nothing like a little competition to bring out your true MoCing skills

Fallen Soldier said...


Hevy782 said...

Hey Shadow did you get my invite to my MoC's blog. if you didn't then reply to this comment.

Fallen Soldier said...

sadly I did not. I'll check my mail again ok mata nui

Hevy782 said...

Thanks Shadow,
I might have got the email adress wrong. can you tell me it please?

Fallen Soldier said...

it's on the newest post