Friday 11 February 2011

Bionicle: Heros MoCs

Toa Megazarak
Toa of Earth
Pakari Nuva
Biography Coming Soon...
Toa Pyros
Toa of Plasma
Great Hau
Biography Coming Soon...
Toa Shayla
Toa of Water
Kaukau Nuva
Biography Coming Soon...
Toa Vakor
Toa of Magnetism
Matatu Nuva
Biography Coming soon...
Toa Cystisus
Toa of the Green
Miru Nuva
Biography coming soon...
Mentis Coming Soon


Hevy782 said...

Awesome!!! Great MoC's :)

0M3G4 said...

Great MOC's, i like Toa Cystisus the best

Fallen Soldier said...

thanks guys, @om364 my favourite is cystisus too.

XianToa said...

Looking good :)