Tuesday 14 December 2010

BIONICLE MoC: Toa Vakor, Toa of Magnetism

Toa Vakor Biography:
Toa Vakor is a Toa of Magnetism and one of the most experienced veteran Toa because he has faced dangerous Rahi Threats and even managed to destroy a Makuta when the Toa Hagah Teams rebelled against the evil and corrupt Brotherhood of Makuta. Created a week after Helryx and Orde were created he quickly rose and attracted the attention of the Hand of Arthakha organazation and was asked to join but he declined preffering to work with fellow Toa. The organazation were forced to reduce the memory of the organazation. Vakor later journeyed to various locations in the world, eventually stopping in an old city, Metru Nui. He fought threats and noticed only a red, intelligent Turaga, six weird, perculiar Turaga and an enormus, one eyed Rahi being. After proving himself Toa he joined with 5 others, Pyros(Toa of Fire), Shayla(Toa of Water), Megazarak(Toa of Earth), Cystisus(Toa of The Green) and Mentis(Toa of Psionics) for a Mission to investigate a new energy in a strange location! Where does their destny lie?


Hevy782 said...

Cool! Will you be writing stories about his adventures and be making MoC's of the other Toa? Also I've got a vehicle MoC which I will post soon.

Fallen Soldier said...

yeah i am, just got to upload the pictures, I'm getting the pictures of Pyros, Toa of Fire. Also the names of the toa is LATIN for some cool bionicle related words. you can do latin-english translator to find out what they are(only Mentis, and Cystisus are latin). Cool don't ya' think?

Fallen Soldier said...

can't wait for the vehicle post btw!