Svare battling Malum.(Click on the Image for better view)
Two-Side. Svare can change his hands and legs.
Glatorian Mode
Svare is a Potal Servant. Long Ago, he was banished from his world for killing his sister, Eravs. He was transwarped to Aqua Magna, where he lived stuck in Energized Protodermis. Soon he gained enough power to release himself from it and warped the EP to Iconox, where it was discovered. After the Core War. Svare lived as a Bandit untile he saw a self-exiled Glatorian Named Tantra (He knew everything about him), but Coxer found and turned him to his Side. Svare is currently living as Coxer's Servant which Sokore allows. He knows his master's plan and will follow it completley. Coxer says that he along with him and his brothers will be granted Motex's Power. But has he been fooled by his own Lord! Stay tuned for Reawakining of Sokore Pt.5: The Cavalry Arrives! coming August 9th.
Ooh. I can't wait for the 5th part! Good job so far! :)
By the way Cherixon do you want to be in my story. There's still time to be in my story. Mechvorax09 is on my story with his Battle Vorox MoC, Light Blazer is in the story as co-producer and Coxer. Neoseeker(Neos123141) is in the story with is MoC Sharpedge. So If u want to be in the story u can. I'll give u credit for the MoC. And he will be a main character. But I don't have all the sets so i might have to replace some things.
Shadow, thanks for inviting me! But wouldn't you need the actual Bionicle for a stop-motion movie? If not, then sure! Which Bionicle creation on my blog do you think would fit best?
Oh, and I'm coming out with a Bionicle that stands 12" tall if you can wait till next Monday.
Okay Cherixon, can't wait.
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