Little is known of Nitron's origins, though it is clear that Nitron isn't a Toa (even though he looks like one) he is actually... a human, fully armored and heavy equipped (similar to samus aran,ironman,and master chief) rumor has it that Nitron was sent to the BIONICLE world as a mission to investigate the lifeforms inhabiting the planet, only to realize that he crash landed in a unknown island, with his default mission already completed after encountering Rahi and Matoran, Nitron has quickly began two missions: to repair the ship as soon as possible, and to protect and defeat any threat that either interferes with the Matoran villagers and himself. He was made by ShadowNitron.
I think Nitron is one of my favourite Mocs, because he has a diffrent type of mask. His armour and Weapons are cool and dangerous. His body armour is awesome. He is very cool. He's also the Self Moc of ShadowNitron. I rate this a 5/5
Thats a bionicle!! wow its awsome
cool, Isn't it
how did this get here o.O ???
well as long as you gave me credit, its okay XD
Dude that is AMAZING!!!
I love how you used spray paint. It is sweet. The only reason why I wouldn't use spray paint is because It is just something I won't do (In case I want to rebuild something else), but it is just amazing in visual appearance
woah ShadowNitron is here. Hi Shadow Nitron you're one of my favoutire bionicle youtubers.
well in my opinune it sucks how you coverd it with paper
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