Thursday 7 April 2011

Where is everyone?

Everyone dropped the blog? okay. Well since that happened I suppose the toa team was a doomed failure, thanks for your attempts those interested. Just it wasnt good enough.


Hevy782 said...

I'm still here and I thought I was all alone. Great to hear from you MasterHakua but where is everyone else?

Sin-Sar said...

I dont know, I posted all my pictures like people but then they left. Im really mad about that.

0M3G4 said...

I've been waiting for you guys to come back xD

I thought the toa team was going well, but then it died :P

Sin-Sar said...

it died cause nobody posted anything. no updates no comments. I kept coming back everyday just no posts.

0M3G4 said...

I'm sorry :P
I've been designing a Toa of Magnetics, but I've been waiting for a part from a friend so I didn't post it xD