Thursday 27 January 2011

Hero Factory 3.0 Pics

My Recommendation is right click on the images and select view image for better view...


Hevy782 said...

Awesome!!! But can you make the Images smaller 'cause they are spreading onto the side and it doesn't look to good.

Bioduel said...

I agree with Matanui here.

0M3G4 said...

NightBlazer good to see you!!!
In any case, im no good at resizing, so, i'm open to some1 doing it for me :P
I'll try again!

Bioduel said...

Please.Call me Bioduel.

And The Witch Doctor sounds like that song I listen to.

thok10656 said...

the special ones are always in boxes

0M3G4 said...

lol @ Bioduel, idk why LEGO would make a set named witch doctor, my friend and I laughed at the un-originality :P

good to see you to thok, its been a while :)

Hevy782 said...

First Fire Lord now Witch Doctor. I think the story is going in a very good direction. Wait! Its the Hordika all over again!

(P.S. Thanks for resizing it)

thok10656 said...

@ OM3G4 good 2 hear from u 2

Skullamanjaro Lover said...

Witch doctor: gonna be a titian like takanuva, mata nui, maxilos, and vezon. :D :)