Tuesday 14 December 2010

New blog design!

Some of you may have seen my blog about HeroFactory and I have given it a new background so its new and ready for 2011. Because there are less sets coming out in January I will try and get all of them again and I am still trying to get all of the 2010 sets and I hope I will get the rest for Christmas (10 days to go) but  if not I'm still going to try and get but its proving harder than I first thought and you really have to be dedicated to it and not be distracted by other things. Anyway, click here to see my new blog design and follow my blog if you haven't already, pictures of my new MoC will be coming soon. Please feel free to share your thoughts,


Fallen Soldier said...

cool can't wait to see. I think you should post this on more popular sites like BZpower, i heard Xian_Toa is on there.

Hevy782 said...

Sorry, Forgot to add the link, its on there now.