Wednesday 22 December 2010

Hero Factory Review: Double Sets

Hero Factory Review:
Theme: Lego Hero Factory
Product: Bulk and Vapour
Number: 7179
Story: “Attention Hero Bulk, Vapour has just been spotted causing major mayhem and he must be stopped. Report immediately to the Refitting Room to be mission-equipped with special breathing helmet, jetpack and a special weapon for each arm. Only this special equipment, your strength and experience can withstand Vapour’s dual tube-fed weapons that shoot corrosive vapour!”
Review: Hero Factory have certainly made great strides in becoming good, still not as good as Bionicle but the pieces added in Vapour, who has a recolor of Rotor's helmet, are good and it would be great for MoCing. I also think it is great that they have released a two in one, which is exclusively available Toys R us and Lego Stores. Bulk has a good weapon which fits him quite well and the new armour(Jetpack, weapon and tube) looks good on him. Vapour has great weapons and the Dual-Wield launchers suit him nicely. He is quite even and the legs and krika armour looks great on his arms. I think this set is great because it comes in two and I think it is better to get Bulk with this set exclusive because i might save money and it is worth it. Hopefully it will still be available at Lego stores because the new 2.0 sets may have taken over the stores.

Hero Factory Review:
Theme: Lego Hero Factory
Product: Von Nebula
Number: 7145
Glactic Alert! Mission Control Center reports that the mysterious Von Nebula, the leader of a powerful gang of villains, is about to attack! He is heavily armed and highly dangerous. Beware his blackhole generating staff and vicious spiky armour – he is out for revenge against the HERO FACTORY!
Review: Von Nebula is a good Titan but his arms kind of make him look bad but the weapons more than make up for it. He is kind of bulky which is quite good and I like the new attachments on the shoulders. I like the fact that the pistons on the legs(the silver things) show out which makes him look more robotic(because he is robotic). Unfortunatly the knee pads are a little loose and is not really put down but he still looks cool. The recoulored black and blue tridax pod looks very good and does give the idea of a Black Hole and my favorite thing is the black Hydraxon Helmet which I like using for MoCs when I'm not using Von Nebula. Maybe someone might do a black version of Hydraxon.


Hevy782 said...

Great Reviews! I'm hoping to get both sets for Christmas.

Fallen Soldier said...

thanks and hope you got the sets.

Hevy782 said...

I got Bulk and Vapour :)