Monday 6 December 2010

Core War: A Strange Discovery

The cold winter rushed past Iconox, Village Home to the Ice Tribe, as several Ice Workers drilles through the heavy snow layers. The Ice Elemental Lord watched over them. After a few minutes a light shined in the shadow of darkness. They had found something, something very powerful. Could this be the start of a war?

"I think we've found something!" exclaimed an Ice Driller
The Element Lord went to analyse for a closer look.
"Indeed, hm what power is this?" replied the Element Lord
"Surel, take a unit out to bring this back to our Fortress in Iconox!" ordered the Element Lord

Surel did as commanded and led a Glatorian and 3 Agori to bring the Item-known as Energized Protodermis- back to the Village. Surel stared into the vast area, apparently looking for enemies. None, he did find. Unfortunatly Perditus was spying on the Ice Mines and now he had located the Proterdermis. He later told the Information to Ackar and the Element Lord of Fire.

"So the Lord of Ice has found this Source of Energy and hasn't told the other villages about this recent discovery!" shouted the Fire Lord
"Yes Sir!" answered Perditus
"Gather a Squad and investigate!" ordered the Fire Lord

They did as commanded and Malum, Crotesius, Ackar and Kyry would deploy to the Southern area of Iconox to locate the Ice Fortress. After two days word spread about the new source of energy to each village, their Lords gathered their Elemental Legions ready for a full-scale all-out War!


Hevy782 said...

Short but sweat! Great story :)

0M3G4 said...

Hey shadow, my friend and i were thinking of a story line that is a pre-quel to the Bara Magna stuff. Remember the maze? And the cube? Well a great being was dispatched to place the cube back in the maze and re-activate the guardians. He successfully places the cube, but when he brings back the guardians, something goes wrong. They become dark and twisted, and run away from the maze towards the agori settlements. They call themselves the Skrall (This would explain why they have the mazes on their shields, and why they suddenly appear out of nowhere. What say you?

Fallen Soldier said...

good idea biomaniac, i think that is a great idea and thanks for the compliment matanui!