Wednesday 8 December 2010

Core War: Dead or Alive

Malum struck first at the Ice Warrior Strakk, Tarix quickly intervened and used his weapons to push them both away. Malum regained his approach and charged at Tarix and Strakk who were caught in their battle. Yaga jumped down from the roof and blocked his attack. Ackar helped Malum in taking out Yaga, who was knocked unconscious. Vastus and Leko fired their Launchers and struck at the two fire warriors in cohesion. After the warriors were caught in battle and shortly taken out by Gelu and his precision targeting. Strakk quickly got up and prepared to kill Tarix until Kirbraz jumped in the way and tackled the seemingly large Glatorian. Tarix defended the Agori and the battle quickly resumed!

"Enough of this!" groaned the Element Lord of Ice

After he got Strakk, Gelu, Surel and the others and quicly froze the opposing tribes. 'That should do it' he thought to himself. Unfortunatly Ackar and Malum broke free as did the others. Luckily the Agori managed to grab a sample and retreated. Surel opened fire as the other tribes all ran in diffrent directions. The Skrall remained and fought tremendously against the Element Lord. Kurahk had other ideas and broke the Skrall's armor until nothing remained but deceased corpses.

They laughed at the Skrall's resistance. Then Kirbold noticed a fraction of the sample gone. The Tribes had all taken a sample of the energy. He showed it to the Element Lord of Ice.

"Take a look at this my Lord!" exclaimed Kirbold
"So they have managed to take some for themselves, I knew my 'brothers' would take this hastily so I have gathered a legion of my own, We will crush all resistance if we must. We will WAGE WAR!"

And so it begins a War created by a situation so stupid. Instead of thinking the Agori and Glatorian species decided to jump feet-first into hell. This would cost them, not just lives, not just buildings, but the entire planet would be lost...

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