Sunday 14 November 2010

Demolition Chapter 1

Strike team lets move, Weaseye, Bruticus move up." exclaimed Ackar
Sure thing Commander." repiled the two soldiers.

Ackar and his Squad had been deployed to a shattered warzone in Iconox. All seemed fine after Mata Nui combined the three chunks of Spherus Magna and his sacrifice allowed Spherus Magna to flourish once more, sadly that wasn't the case...
A new evil had arived after the death of Makuta Teridax and that evil had come with an army of mass destruction. That evil was called Sokore...
Now a full-scale war had launched and they were in the middle of it. Luckily reinforcements had arrived in the form of Toa and Matoran.

Shots were fired, grenades were thrown and death occured. Weaseye moved up with Bruticus, sniping from a hill and taking out enemy forces moving up to the Command Base in Iconox. Ackar and Leko rolled into the scene firing and killing enemy soldiers. Unfortunatly Sokore's command Dropship launshed missiles at the barriers defending the elite strike team. The granite started crumbling down. Luckily they managed to evade out of the way but now they had no cover. Sokore's Elite troops jumped down and fired their Grenade launchers wounding Weaseye.
Weaseye's down Ackar!" shouted Bruticus
Cover him, I'll draw their fire!" replied Ackar as he readied his new weapons.
Ackar unleashed his new flame weapons and slaughtered two enemy soldiers. However, the Elite forces were much better equipped and managed to hold off his powerful blades. Eventually Ackar overpowered him with his newfound elemental powers. Then a dark shadow loomed over Ackar and STRUCK at him brutally stabbing him until Ackar was unconscious. Leko jumped up and bravely fought Sokore with his Spear but it was hopeless...


Hevy782 said...

Awesome! Your story has inspired me :)

Fallen Soldier said...

thanks glad you like it.

0M3G4 said...

welcome back shadow!

Fallen Soldier said...

thanks biomaniac