Thursday 23 September 2010

New Lego Hero Factory 2011!!!

Here are the new Lego Hero Factory for 2011:

I don't really like these and Lego attempt to make the Hero's bigger failed. I like 2010 better. I hope Lego changes these sets 'cause they look Ok but they could be a lot better. Please share your thoughts,

Both images from: TheBrickBlog


Sin-Sar said...

Lego messd everything up, everyhing is terrible and it all their fault.

Fallen Soldier said...

They shouldn't have wuit on bionicle.

0M3G4 said...

These look like those really bad Mega Blocks things xD

Lego has designed some horrible things before, but never this bad =P

Hevy782 said...

I don't like them that much but they aren't the final product. Hopefully the final one will be better a lot better. I agree they do look like Mega Blocks things.

Unknown said...

yeah i think these are pretty bad too but the thing is bionicle had a story line and so when it ended so did lego stop making the guys so its not legos fault