Monday 5 April 2010

The Legend of Certavus, Section 1: The Glatorian System

This is the 1st Section of my new story: The Legend of Certavus. Enjoy...

Cetavus was one of the founders of the Glatorian system, along with Tarix, Ackar and Vastus. Together they helped bring order to the world they called Bara Magna. He faced many challenges and once almost got killed by one of his fellow Glatorian, this Glatorian was banished because of the rules of the system. Certavus never went to far from Iconox, his village, because of the danger after the shattering. The Glatorian and Agori crossed the desert sands cautiously to avoid Vorox and other threats. After the shattering, both the Elemental Lords and Skrall went missing. Not that anyone was bothered by their absence, but Certavus knew they were still out their...

Certavus stood in the arena.
Today he was facing Malum. They were fighting over a very small oasis next to Iconox. A fire Tribe Agori found it and said it belongs to Vulcanus. But the Ice tribe says its in their territory so it belongs to Iconox.
"Ready to meet defeat Certavus?" Malum asked.
"One of us will meet defeat but it won't be me." Certavus replied.
Malum fired a Thornax at Certavus but Certavus dodged it and charged at Malum. Certavus struck his sword down but Malum blocked it with his Flame Claws. Malum backed away and fired another Thornax, this one didn't miss its target and Certavus fell to the Arena Flour.
Malum stode over Certavus ready to attack, but Certavus attacked first and fired a Thornax at Malum. Then Certavus got up and attacked Malum with his sword.
Malum couldn't take much more and said: "Stop! I concede."
Certavus thanked Malum for the Honorable fight and left the arena as a Champion.

To see more of my story click here, Please share your thoughts.

1 comment:

Fallen Soldier said...

this is good Malum sounds honorable which is kind of strange but still this is very detailed
good job matanui