Tuesday 1 December 2009

The truth behind Nektann...

Nektann is actually alied with makuta now and he has actually become a piraka not disguised as one.


Skullamanjaro Lover said...

what about rarahk?

XianToa said...

idk, but where did you get this info about nektann? Everyone is against Makuta except for his minions according to the current story... It's not that I doubt it I'd just like to know how reliable this new info is.

Sin-Sar said...

Actually, the skrall are with him, the new rahkshi have heat vision, nektann is an idiot, and tahu, takanuva, and gresh are all smaller elementals which I do not understand

Skullamanjaro Lover said...

rarahk could be that yellow stars guy! i dont know the name but im predicting that it is rarahk!

XianToa said...

that is very probable. although it would mean that the yellow species (heat vision) of the rahkshi are called rahrak, not just one rahkshi.

Fallen Soldier said...

Nektann is probably going to get blown to bits by Makuta, if Makuta wins. He might get killed by Makuta just like his dark hunter minions krehka and nidhiki got brutally killed.

Hevy782 said...

Nektan might be planing to betray Mukuta once he's won. But the Piraka are also against Mukuta.