Thursday 3 December 2009

Golden tahu!

Well here he is.


XianToa said...

looks great :) you bought all of the stars that fast? I'm going to wait until Christmas

Skullamanjaro Lover said...

nothing special... :T

XianToa said...

yes, but you have to admit for a matoran [sized figure], he looks good

XianToa said...

Looks like I was right after all about there not being an all-golden Bionicle. I think when I buy tahu, i'll use the golden mask to build a sweet golden bionicle

Sin-Sar said...

He is a sweet guy, I'm surprised how they remastered tahu mata and how the mask fits on any face now. :) I put the mask on my toa lhikan and he looked cool.

XianToa said...

agreed. I wish I had Lhikan. I started seriously collecting in 2006 and bought some sets from 2005 on ebay, but I wasn't going to pay $40 for Lhikan. Now, I might pay that, but I can't find even that now