Tuesday 3 November 2009

Mutated Brutaka

I found this image on a polish website. I translated the forum that it was on via google translate and basically it is debatable whether this set exists at all. But it is a cool image :D
plz comment


XianToa said...

It is possible that this was a fake box. The type face is different than the rest of the Bionicle typeface on the rest of their boxes. I wish I had a better image of this because it looks like I could make this easily out of Brutaka and Carapar

Hevy782 said...

Its awesome!!! I've seen it before on YouTube. Nice Find.

Anonymous said...

All the body is the same he just has Carapars armor and his gold pieces "from his sides" on his arms. I made him and he is slightly shorter than the original because you need to remove the entire middle section with the secondary arms.