Saturday 3 October 2009

The Weaseye Chronicles Blog

Following Xian_Toa's advice I decided to create a blog for my new story The Weaseye Chronicles. Please comment and follow and also the second episode of The Weaseye Chronicles was posted there.


Anonymous said...

The second episode is good but where is the first?

Hevy782 said...

I'm following your new blog shadow. Its awesome!!!

Fallen Soldier said...

thax mata nui and scorpio the first episode's link is on my new blog on the top sidebar.

Chris said...

Whoa! Overall great site you have here, Shadow! I love the Halloween background! :P

Oh, and nice new blog! :)

Fallen Soldier said...

oh thax cherixon I tried to get a twitter background like your blog but i forgot my account and I couldn't make a new one.