Monday 26 October 2009

I have 5 new upcoming blogs!

From outlander blogs to commander blogs! Now I will have blogs for these characters: Commander Naju, Commander Acki, Commander Shadox, and Commander Fang. After these four, I will have the team blog showing all people in the ranks, what comanders have for weaponry and who potential threats are. All will be up in a max of 1 month now.


Anonymous said...

Sounds difficult you would need to check each blog and update regularly for each new story.

I currently have 5 blogs and it is almost impossible to keep track of all the comments. May i suggest caution.

Sin-Sar said...

I am going to be selecting many MOD's for my blogs, each one will be responsible of reporting the blog status to me.

0M3G4 said...

I have around 50 websites (including blogs) and it is difficult to keep track of them, out of 'em I only check, 15 max

Fallen Soldier said...

I have like 20 Blogs and 3 Websites and I try to check out all of them but then it's just too tiring always having to post on all of them!

XianToa said...

Not for me and I have about 10 blogs that I regularly post on :D.

I post on average, a story a week on one of my story blogs