Thursday 24 September 2009

The Reign of Teridax: Tahu: Story Part 2

Tahu Story Part 2 is now out: The Reign of Teridax: Tahu: Part 2

Yes, I did change the title to a much cooler name.
I am going to elaborate on Toa Mazeka more. :]

pleeze comment.....


Fallen Soldier said...

Awesum story. When are you going to modify the other toa phantoka/mistika nuva

0M3G4 said...

sounds great, must resist impatience for next part

XianToa said...

Kopaka and Gali are on Bionicle Gallery now, but I'm waiting until I feel that I have a good story for them. and...they are still kindof in prototype.

Onua has not been modified yet....