Friday 18 September 2009


Lets put a links spot in that links this blog to the blogs of each Mod.


Fallen Soldier said...

Ok. I will do that. And Also Biomaniac I saw the Introduction of Vertu-Nui. It was awesome.

Fallen Soldier said...

Okay Added.

XianToa said...

Hey Shadow, can you put the contributors blog list and Contributors on my Bionicle site right below the hit counters. I've been looking for those blog gadgets, but I couldn't find them

Fallen Soldier said...

Did you remove them.

XianToa said...

no I just can't find the contributors stuff, I made you an admin

0M3G4 said...

good idea :)

Fallen Soldier said...

Ok thax Xian Toa. And btw Mata Nui i saw your moc blog and I've Invited you to this one.