Wednesday 30 September 2009

Halloween Background

Well I've seen some blogs and sites have a Halloween Background so I've decided to do the same. I hope you like It guys!


Does anybody has a brickshelf or majost account that you don't use please? Why? Because I need it to post comics in it.

Da new comic


Bzpower               This is not a trick.

Tuesday 29 September 2009

That guy stole her bioncle. :P


Monday 28 September 2009

My New Blog

Hey check out my new blog.
i think a lot or all of the authors here are authors there.



Hi Guys

Hey evryone its Gresh96!
I was just asking all of you on this blog that if you haven't followed mine, please do so.

Sunday 27 September 2009

"Subscribe by Email"

For all that do not know or just don't use it enough there is a feature at the bottom right of the comments page for each post called "Subscribe by Email."

I find this very useful. I would encourage everyone to use it every time you make a comment or find a topic that is interesting. If you ever decide you don't want to receive follow up comments for the post you follow, you can always unsubscribe in the email. It's quick and easy.

It just makes blogging alot more fun. It also causes you to come back to certain posts that were awesome, but were from a while back.
Hey Moderators please can you write some stories for the Moderator Story Box. And Also can you guys just contact me on


I was supposed to post this when I had 20 followers. But I would like to thanks everyone that has followed, commented and posted. I hope you will keep staying here and commenting. I hope I am following all of your blogs. Also I want to have a Stories Box where moderators can write their fantastic Ideas. Please seperate your stories in paragraphs and say who created the story etc;
Portal Lord Crisis by Shadow!

Here's the Awesum People following!
Night Blazer(Moderator)
Mata Nui 800

Saturday 26 September 2009

 Click on the LINK you know you want to

The Weaseye Chronicle Episode #1 Sokore Reborn

To Be Continued.......
Sokore (Elite Form): I am Reborn Once Again!!

Zyllid and Froce: Ouch!!!!!!!!!!
(Mask crashing causing huge explosion)
Froce: Oh no!!
(Flaming Meteor)
Krik: Move In, It's time to conquer Blizikox
Glatorian: Oh oh (Massive Crash)
Weaseye And Bruticus: It's a BOMB!
Magmus: It's a Thrall, all Agori and Glatorian, MOVE!!!
Thrall Guards: It's time to crash the Party!
Zyllid: Concede, or I will finish you off!
Froce: Ow, that h..uu.rrt!
Zyllid: Take this!
Froce: Aaaaaarrrrrgggghhhhh!
Zyllid: You lose Froce!
Froce: The Match has just started!
Zyllid: I was being sarcastic!
Weaseye: Go Froce
Magmus: Let the battle commence!
Hiley: Wow almost a full house!
Aksx: We've trained my Rock Glatorian, Froce is doomed
Magmus: The winner is the one who can contain his own power!
Hiley: You and your riddles Magmus!
Zyllid: I don't think so, we Rock Glatorian are strong as exsidian!
Froce: You're going down Zyllid!

Friday 25 September 2009

I'm Working On A Story Right Now

Hey everyone,
I'm working on a new story right now but you all know me i never finish my stories. I'll try to finish this one but it's really hard with school. This one is set on Bota Magna and is about sets that i am designing right now. I was wondering if everyone could pitch in and design helmets for agori and glatorian and weapons too. Also i need some people to design a new foot piece and a new leg piece. Email the pics of the things you design to


My New Blog

My new blog is for the bionicle game that was previously on
it is now on


The Weaseye Chronicles Main Cast

Hiley and Magmus

Battle Elite Vorox



Sokore (Elite-Form)



Sorry for the delay. Weaseye Chronicles will not be comin out very soon, due to homework and that I just simply don't have the time to create Comics.

The One-hundred and first post.

This is to celebrate the 100th post

Bionicle Glatorian: The Swarm

Go to my Blog to see an awesome update to my story. Feel free to share your comments

Adding Spines

My friend and I have discovered an easy way to make titans, We call the method Backbones and Spines. If you want to know how to do this, I will make a post about it. Please comment here.

Thursday 24 September 2009


The Reign of Teridax: Tahu: Story Part 2

Tahu Story Part 2 is now out: The Reign of Teridax: Tahu: Part 2

Yes, I did change the title to a much cooler name.
I am going to elaborate on Toa Mazeka more. :]

pleeze comment.....

Wednesday 23 September 2009

Bionicle Creations

Be sure to look me up on Gallery, user: Xian_Toa
remember to vote if you like it

There are some creations on there that I have not posted to any of my Blogs

Mata Nui Modification: Alternate Sword

This is my impression of the sword he carries in The Legend Reborn.

I like the other sword better, but I think this one looks quite like the one in the movie, except for the rods that make it connect

LEGO Universe : GameInfo

LEGO Universe : GameInfo

Mata Nui Modification: info

Mata Nui used the mask of Life to create Warrior Armor...
It enhances his strength and agility, while his experience has given him more toughness and a-lot more wisdom. (After all, he's Mata Nui and for his original bionicle stats to give him only: mind 12 was ridiculous. He needs some kind of knowledge and wisdom to rule the universe)
Strength: 12
Agility: 12
Toughness: 13
Mind: 15
(Original 2009 stats: Strength: 10, Agility: 11, toughness: 10, Mind: 12)

pleeze comment...

Tuesday 22 September 2009

Everyone Check Out The Game

Hey evryone. go to and check out the game kind of thing i made.

Monday 21 September 2009

Lesovikk: Story Part 1

Check out Lesovikk: Story Part 1 now at Bionicle: Lesovikk

Everyone please join my blog

Join at

Mata Nui Modification

Info at least is coming soon. I do not know if I will make a non-canon story yet.

pleeze comment....

A contest

OK everyone.This contest is about Motex's true form.So here is the rules. 1:The size as to be a size of a titan or taller. That's it actually that's it really.

Sunday 20 September 2009

The Weaseye Chronicles Coming Tommorow

The First episode of me other series, The Weaseye Chronicles is coming out tommorow. It focuses on Sokore and a new world with new heroes. Will Sokore finally be defeated?

Also If you want to learn the history of the Portal Lords. Please visit It explains how the Portal Lords became evil. The serial is not yet finished.

New Blog: Bionicle: Lesovikk

I have made yet another blog: this one for Toa Lesovikk. Check for story updates
Bionicle: Lesovikk

Toa Lesovikk: prequel (Updated Lesovikk)

I realized that Lesovikk's original swords didn't look amazing, so I used Lewa's instead then I changed the armor:

Lesovikk looked out into the mirky expanse of the Pit. Working with Hydraxon, the two had recaptured all of the escaped prisoners of the pit, only to have many of them released in the Destiny War of the Order of Mata Nui. Now, he and Hydraxon were still in a state of shock about the sudden turn in events.
"Well, it's nice to know that even in failure, we did our part" Lesovikk said to Hydraxon
Lesovikk grabbed his friend's hand but then yanked it back away from Hydraxon's armored fist in pain. Lesovikk found that he could not breath, but why? he breathed water and that was all that there was around him. Then he had an idea. He created an air bubble around himself. He could breathe air again!.
"I can breath air again!" Lesovikk exclaimed. "I know what I am to do Hydraxon. I must journey to the surface to resist Makuta"
Hydraxon outfitted Lesovikk with a few new blades and Lesovikk began the ascent to the surface on his sea/air be continued

Toa Lesovikk's extended time in the mutagenic waters of the pit and exposure to the Ignika's energies still coursing through Hydraxon's body have given his armor the ability to absorb new metal and more metal into itself.

BIONICLE Motex Rises

Be Sure to check out My Motex Rises Series. I want it to be better than my first series so I'm going to try my hardest and also my Camera Is back on track. So I'll be able to upload new Images of my Entry for Biomaniac's competition tommorow.

Saturday 19 September 2009

New Bionicle sets @ Target

Bionicle came out with some special edition sets for target. Target exclusive, In stores now
from BZPower