Wednesday 26 August 2009

Quick Question For Shadow

Hello Shadow, I am on standby and awaiting response. What should I do for you guys next for your storyline. I can take pictures for you guys when you need me to, and can also write chunks of your storyline. I am ready to go with a fire glatorian if you need it.



Fallen Soldier said...

well. Can u make a Fire Glatorian. Me and Light Blazer nedd one for Infiro's Team. And can u make an Jungle Glatorian for my new series th Weaseye Chronicles. More Information on that coming on this later post.

Fallen Soldier said...

Also If u want can u write stories about the War. Well Motex's Army of evil is attacking Alpha Squad. Which is Thronar(note she is a female vorox), Tantra, Stor and State(he is a skrall. battling an enemy squad(there is five of them and u can name them if u want).

0M3G4 said...

Do you want to use Toa Nadiak? I think he would serve well. Can you send me a link to BTM so I can read up on your storyline???

0M3G4 said...

I will try to make a jungle glatorian, can he be winged?