Tuesday 18 August 2009


Shadow, you never put out an add for my site :). BZClub is the name of my blog. It is full of Bionicle news and information. And has a great ambiance.

BZCLub Is Waiting


Bioduel said...

Body/Feet Color:
Limb/Hands Color:
Mask Color:
Eye Color:

0M3G4 said...

light blue transparent (Toa Matoro)
light blue transparent
Mask of Telepathy

If that covers you questions :)

Fallen Soldier said...

What do u mean by ad Biomaniac. Well I posted what I thought it was about. So on top is a Text saying people should definetly follow ur blog

0M3G4 said...

when... I didn't see one, sorry if I'm taking up your blog... I just meant something telling people about my blog. Anyway, do you guy's need another Titan? I have created a pretty good one if you want me to post it...

Fallen Soldier said...


0M3G4 said...

I would not mind contributing to your storyline, i can create a side branch too, or even creatures,toa or glatorian...

Bioduel said...

BioManiac: Go to http://bioniclecomics.blogspot.com

0M3G4 said...
