Saturday 8 August 2009


Members of Tantra's Elite Squad:
Throna- Is a Female Vorox who feels compassion for other beings along with her companion Vonar. She was mutated, so now she has four-arms and is higly-intelligent. She fights with true honour and pride. She is loyal to her friends.

Vonar- A friendly Zesk who turned good after Malum betrayed him to the Skrall. He is equipped with a Mega-Sonic Thornax Launcher that was created by Tantra in the battle against Svare.

State- A Skrall Special Patrol Opreator, State is a Weapon of Mass-Destruction. The War has started a destructive essence. The Agori and Glatorian are now smarter with the upgraded weapons and Melee Tools. State is a walking Tank. He is very hard to give damage to. He has a pickup Stinger form his back to grind enemies and a Saw Thronax which can also be used to cut and stab Enemies. He believes that the Skrall caan win the war alone. but was nevertheless put into combat by his Masters. The Newly Reborn Skrall Leaders.

Well Here's two new things Glatorian Fighters: Ackar vs Strakk. Well I'm going to make a video of a Glatorian Battle. This will have battles of the Glatorian. Who do you think will win? Post your comments here.
Here's an Image (Note: This will be made in video).


Bioduel said...

Shadow:Please note that I only can do the picures you have to do the text.Why? Cused I have to go to the store for a hour or two.

Fallen Soldier said...

okay Light Blazer