Monday 24 August 2009

BIONICLE Reawakining of Sokore Pt.7 Sharpedge Confrontation Pt.2

To Be Continued
Omega Sokore: Aaaaaaaaaarrrggggghhhh, my essence is fading.
Darn, I wil return Portal Lords, I will Return!!!!!!

Sharpedge: Face My wrath!

Sharpedge: get ur goddamn pushover hands of the Glatorian!!!!

Tantra: Aaaaaaagggggghhhhhh

Omega Sokore: Take this (If u look closely u can see Zesk)

Omega Sokore: Dieeeeee!

Tantra: I believe so Sokore!
Sokore: Lets Finish u off!!

Omega Sokore: It's time to end this Glatorian!
Inspired By Onewa80's BTM