Friday 21 August 2009

BIONICLE Reawakining of Sokore Pt.6 Sharpedge Confrontation Pt 1

Tantra: No Sokore. It's u who's going to die!

Omega Sokore: Die Glatorian!

Omega Sokore: Take This!!!(Stomps on Ackar, takes Berix Hostage and shoots Cratok)

Cratok: It's Sokore!!!

Omega Sokore: Hello Glatorian, Time to Play

Malum: You Bet It, Tantra is dead pieces!

Omega Sokore: You Ready, Malum?

Ackar & Berix: Cool It Rakx

Rakx: How Am I supposed To Know????
Tantra: What was that?
Tantra: So what's the plan Raanu?
Raanu: Well, we've seen strange Beings coming and killing some of us!
Berix: He ordered us to rescue u.
Tantra: Coxer, must be up to this?
???: I don't think Coxer planned this Portal Lord?
???: Sharpedge. U must help him!
Sharpedge: Fine, But I thought He was going to fulfill the prophecy alone!
???: Everyone Needs help!
Sharpedge: Ok, I'll go.
Sharpedge: I take it that Tantra is fulfilling the prophecy!
???: Yes, but U must help him in the upcoming Battle!
Sharpedge: Why do I get the feeling there will be a huge war?
Darn Camera Problems.
Inspired By Onewa80's BTM

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