Monday 10 August 2009

BIONICLE Reawakining of Sokore Pt.5 The Cavalry Arrives

To Be Continued
Tantra: Thank you for rescuing me!
Ackar & Cratok & Berix: ur welcome.
Tantra: We Better go, I heard Stinger call for backup,
Ackar: Right then. Lets go.

???: Feel my wrath weakling!
Ackar: What was that?

Ackar: Take this, Servant!
Drate: You are no match for me alone.
???: No, But I might be!

Berix: I'm okay Now, Lets ATTACK!
Ackar and Cratok: Right

Ackar: he's gone. Now to complete our mission!
Cratok: Right, Berix Get Up
(Sorry for the bad Image)

Stinger: I will be back to dispose u three,
Portal Lord protect our prisoner!

Ackar: You lose Portal Lord!
Stinger: For now I am outnumbered, soon you will be destroyed.

Cratok: You don't have too Ackar.
Ackar: ugghhh

Stinger: You guys are in so much trouble!
Ackar: Guys I can't hold him off forever!!!

Stinger: It's time to suffer!
Ackar & Cratok: Oh, this is true pain, I never thought I'd feel this.

Stinger: It's time to KILL!!!

Ackar: Sniper!
Cratok: I think that's a Portal Lord

Berix: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaggggghhhh!!!

Stinger: Who dares come here?

Ackar: Are you sure this is the place Cratok?
Cratok: Yep, Reports from the Skrall running away like little girls!
Berix: What are u talking about Kiina is more stronger than that?
Here it is finally The Cavalry Arrives
Inspired By Onewa8o's BTM

1 comment:

Fallen Soldier said...

so guys what do u think?