Monday 24 August 2009

BIONICLE Reawakining of Sokore Pt 8 Battle To the End

Cratok: You'll lose Give Up!!
Raanu: Right
Akar: You are fools. The ODDS ARE AGAINST U!!

Akar: It's the End of This Battle, lower beings!
Akar: Time To Terminate!
Cratok: Come On Raanu. Lets END THIS!!!!
Cratok: Let them go!
Rakx: I'm beatennnnnnn
Akar: We have another Glatorian Here!
Ackar: Ughhhhh, I don't think We'll make it!
Malum: We will have our Revenge!!!
Malum: We have the Glatorians, but we've lost contact with Sokore!
Inspired By Onewa80's BTM